
Back to school: A high school senior gives advice to incoming freshmen

By: Paola Martinez
| Published 08/24/2015


THE WOODLANDS, Texas - With the 2015-2016 school year starting this week, a local high school senior has a few words of advice for incoming freshmen to make sure they have a great four years at their new school:

Be nice to your teachers - At the end of the 9 weeks or the semester, having a good relationship with your teacher can be the difference between ending up with 89.00 or a 90, and when it comes to GPA, that is a huge difference.

The classes you take matter (yes, even Freshman year) - Every single class you take adds up to your final GPA. Those blow-off classes you are choosing right now? They will come back and haunt you when you start applying for scholarships for college.

Get involved: join clubs and sports - Not only do they look great in college applications, they are a great way to help the community and make new friends.

Have school spirit - While your friends may think it is lame to get excited about pep rallies and homecoming spirit week, these are the things that make school seem not so monotonous.

Never procrastinate - While it may seem like you still have weeks to complete your assignment, time flies and the deadline will be there before you know it. Do your homework as soon as you get it.

Do not be afraid to ask upperclassmen for advice - Upperclassmen have been where you are. They know the curriculum and the teachers, so use their knowledge to your advantage.

Make a good first impression - If you behave well and are attentive during class and turn in everything on time the first couple of weeks of school, then teachers are more likely to be more lenient if you drop the ball with your homework in the future.

Be organized - Have a planner and write down every single thing you have on your to-do list. Crossing off items will motivate you and you will never forget to do your homework.

Get your required classes out of the way early - You do not want to take PE and speech with the underclassmen when you are a senior. Trust me.

It’s all about balance - Yes, grades are important, but you do not want to work too hard and get burned out this early. You have three more years to go, so take it easy. Find an activity that makes you happy, hang out with your friends, or binge watch something on Netflix.

Ask for help if you need it - Needing help does not mean you are not smart. Your teachers are there to help, and tutoring can be really beneficial to your grades.

Be selective when it comes to friendships - Who your friends are says a lot about you, so be careful who you are seen with. Many times you will mirror your friends’ behavior, so make sure to model good behavior.

Your high school years are not the best years of your life - Despite what your parents say, these are not your golden years. Do not expect them to be.

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed - High school is very different from junior high. Teachers will expect more of you, and your workload will be more demanding, so just take a deep breath and try to hang on until you get the hang of things.

Have fun! - Senior year will be here before you know it, so try to have fun and enjoy the ride.

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