- Boat Accessories
- 4th of July
- Accessories Childrens
- Accessories Mens
- Accessories Teens
- Accessories Womens
- Adult / Teens
- Adult Bikes
- Antique Furniture
- Antiques & Collectibles
- Antiques & Collectibles
- Arts & Crafts
- Arts & Crafts
- Audio & Video
- Baby & Children
- Baby / Toddler
- Barstools
- Bathing
- Beauty
- Bed / Bath / Pillows
- Bedding & Accessories
- Bedroom Furniture
- Bike Accessories
- Bikes & Cycling
- Bookends
- Books - Adults
- Books - College
- Books - Kids
- Books, Music & Movies
- Bookshelves
- Boxes & Packing Materials
- Building Materials
- Business & Office
- Cameras
- Cameras & Photography
- Camping
- Candles & Holders
- Car Accessories & Parts
- Car Seats / Strollers
- Carpools & Commuting
- Cars / Boats / RVs
- Cellphones & Accessories
- Childrens
- Childrens Furniture
- Christmas & Hannukah
- Clocks
- Clothes & Accessories
- Clothes Childrens - Boys
- Clothes Childrens - Girls
- Clothes Infants - Toddlers
- Clothes Mens
- Clothes Teens - Boys
- Clothes Teens - Girls
- Clothes Womens
- Coffee, Entry & End Tables
- Commuting Tickets
- Computers & Accessories
- Computers & Software
- Cookbooks
- Cribs & Furniture
- Cuisine & Refreshments
- Decorative Accents
- Diapering / Feeding
- Dining Furniture - Casual
- Dining Furniture - Formal
- Easter
- Electronics, Audio & Video
- Entertainment Centers/Armoires
- Exercise Equipment
- Exercise Fitness CDs & DVDs
- Fans
- Fireplace Accessories
- Fishing & Hunting Equipment
- Floral Arrangements
- Flowers/Plants
- Formal & Wedding
- Furniture
- Games & Toys
- Gaming Tables
- Gear
- Gift Baskets
- Gift Cards
- Golf Carts
- Golf Equipment
- Grills
- Halloween
- Health & Beauty
- Health & Medical
- Home Accessories
- Home Appliances
- Horses - Misc
- Jewelry
- Jewelry Boxes
- Kids Bikes
- Kitchen / Dining
- Large Appliances
- Lighting
- Living Furniture - Casual
- Living Furniture - Formal
- Luggage
- Magazines
- Maternity
- Mens Jewelry
- Mirrors
- Misc Office
- Miscellaneous Items
- Miscellaneous Items
- Motorcycle Accessories
- Movies
- Music & Band Items
- Music CDS/DVDs & Records
- Musical Instruments
- Office Equipment
- Office Furniture
- Other Furniture
- Outdoor Furniture
- Pet Supplies
- Pets
- Photographic Equipment
- Pictures
- Plants Artificial
- Potty
- Printers
- Required Student Reading
- Reserved
- Rocking Chairs
- Rugs
- Safety
- Scooters
- Seasonal
- Sewing Machines
- Shoes Childrens
- Shoes Infants - Toddlers
- Shoes Mens
- Shoes Teens
- Shoes Womens
- Small Appliances
- Software & Games
- Sports & Exercise Equipment
- Sports Equipment
- Stationary
- Swings
- Tablets & Accessories
- Teaching Materials
- Teen Bikes
- Televisions
- Thanksgiving
- Tickets to Events
- Tickets to Events
- Travel
- Valentines
- Vases
- Video Game Accessories
- Video Game Players
- Video Games
- Video Games & Players
- Vitamins/Essential Oils
- Wedding Items
- Windows / Walls/ Floors
- Womens Jewelry
- Yard
- Yard / Garden / Workshop Items
- Yard, Garden & Workshop
Write the Word® Journal | The Life of Jesus
There is so much we can learn from Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection. The Life of Jesus allows you to intentionally walk Jesus’s journey by reflecting on what the Bible says about His life, ministry, and sacrifice on the cross. This journal is perfect for the Lent season, but it can also be used any time of the year!
What you’ll love about Write the Word®| The Life of Jesus:
- Easy to use | Simply grab a pen, your Bible, and this journal to create a timeless collection of your favorite verses, memories, and prayers.
- Undated spreads | While a great companion for Lent, this undated journal can be used at any time of year.
- Blank layouts | Blank layouts provide ample space to journal meaningful verses, study through a book of the Bible, or create an heirloom of written encouragement for a loved one.
- A structured system | In each two-page spread, you'll have the same inspiring spaces found in our other Write the Word volumes. Enjoy defined spaces to express daily gratitude, choose a word for the day, and journal what is on your heart.
- Intentional design | Seasonal hues encourage peace as you study God’s word, and the high-quality cover protects your devotions for years to come.
Write the Word® | The Life of Jesus gets you right into the Word—the ultimate place for refreshment and peace. It brings you closer to God and helps you live each day with hope and purpose! Get started today!
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