
Woodlands Weekend Weather & Events – May 3 - 5, 2024 – It ain’t over yet

By: Woodlands Online Weather
| Published 05/03/2024


THE WOODLANDS, TX – This week has been a wet one for sure. And while we might get a minor break from the storms for the first part of the weekend, it’s pretty much guaranteed that we won't start off Monday morning without some more precipitation and the grief that will accompany it.

Don’t break out the sunscreen just yet

The good news is, it looks like we have somewhere between 36 to 48 hours for the water that’s fallen to work its way back into the water table and keep the floods at bay – even the planned releases from Lake Conroe and elsewhere have been downgraded, so let’s keep fingers crossed that you won’t have to rely on your flood insurance. Later this afternoon, we’ll peak our temperature out at 74, where it will remain pretty much through the night. It might not be the best night to venture outdoors, so maybe think about staying indoors going through old photo albums to see what you could add to The Woodlands 50th Anniversary Photo Book.

The skies will, however, remain gloomy on Saturday as the grey clouds continue to stretch from horizon to horizon. The chance of rain won’t fully go away, but it will be more drab and dreary than drenching. It will be a lot muggier, with a high out of today’s 70s and up to at least 84, with an additional five degrees of warmth-feel added thanks to the humidity. Though there’s no guarantee that outdoors events will go on as planned, you should still be able to take the family to The Woodlands Fire Department Station 8 on Gosling for the Fired Up Tour. As the day progresses, though, the humidity factor will dip and some southeasterly winds will come in to bring some cooling caresses. But after night falls, the rain chances will return and continue to mount.

By the time Sunday morning dawns, we’ll be right back to the raging thunderstorms, to the grief of your already oversaturated yards and the alarm of your pets. The rain, thunder, and lightning will hang around pretty much the entire day as the temps shift from the low of 70 to a high of 80, with another round of late afternoon winds. To counterpoint the raging weather outside, let music soothe the savagery with Woodlands Symphony Orchestra’s ‘Pictures at an Exhibition’ concert. The brunt of the storms should settle down around bedtime, but plan on showers to continue throughout the night and well into Monday morning.

Assuming these rains don’t push us over the edge, we should be able to enjoy a relatively dry work week next week… at least for most of it…

Stay tuned for weather updates from Woodlands Online, and be sure to check us out on Monday for our “Week Ahead” forecast.

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