
My Vision for Oak Ridge North from Mayor Jim Kuykendall

By: Oak Ridge North Mayor Jim Kuykendall
| Published 04/25/2016


Dear Neighbors:

Oak Ridge North has always been very special to me. I knew it when JJ and I moved here, and again all through the years as I worked on committees for the City. I knew that we had a special community. When I was appointed Mayor I was determined to insure that we maintained our hometown atmosphere, and after being re-elected twice I can honestly say that I am still 100 percent determined to make sure that Oak Ridge North really is “what a hometown should be.”

I have a vision whereby our neighborhoods are strong and maintained. We really don’t have room for more neighborhoods so we must protect what we have. That comes by strong ordinances and code enforcement. I can report to you that we have done that.

I have advocated developing our business areas and the areas to our East so those businesses can generate property, inventory, and sales taxes for the city. That in turn will help keep the residents property taxes low for a long time to come.

With all of that we must also keep investing in our future. We do that by rebuilding and upgrading our water lines, rebuilding our parks, adding sidewalks, working on drainage, repaving the streets, and other things that make our city a hometown. We must always be building up our community not just for today, but for those who come after us in the years ahead. That keep our property values up where we want them to be!

We need to insure that we have the protection we want, and maintain our Police Department, maintain our Public Works Department, to provide the security and services we all need – at the level of service we want!

Over the past five years I have sought to consistently lead our city in a positive direction. Yes, we have had some bumps along the way, but every family does, and by working together we can get past those issues and find solutions.

The people that started this great community over four decades ago, had a vision of a “bedroom community” where they could raise their children in a safe environment. We are no longer that bedroom community and the world has really grown up around us. We are a small city that is trying to keep the “hometown” spirit alive. We are still a community where people want to raise their children and we are secure!

My vision is to help build a solid “hometown” future on the great foundation that was laid down by those who came before us. Strong neighborhoods, solid water and sewer infrastructures, top notch Police and Public services, with a low tax rate.

I believe in positive leadership for YOU and for all of Oak Ridge North!

I would appreciate your support and your vote in the upcoming Mayor election.

God bless you and your family

Jim Kuykendall

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