
OPINION: Major universities are damaging themselves beyond repair

By: Ruben Borjas Jr
| Published 05/01/2024


This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t care about democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.

When you have a group of people that hate Jews as much as the Gaza protesters do, mostly consisting of palestinian radical muslims and stupid American democrat students who when pressed, don’t really know what they are protesting for, then we have a problem. Major American Universities are essentially killing themselves, and it goes right in line with what I’ve been saying all along. That socialist democrats cannot foresee the consequences to their own actions. And thanks to political correctness, another obscene failure, socialist universities allowing radical muslims to make Jewish professors, staffers, and students feel unsafe; based on religious status? That is very scary stuff, egregiously so, and it doesn’t look good in regards to future sales, meaning, future non-muslims students, not wanting to go to their campuses and pay tuition.

Universities are not taking responsibility in policing these radical muslim students who intimidate and threaten Jews, and cheer for the annihilation of Jews on campus. And the administrations of these institutions of socialist indoctrination, have already lost all the Jewish donors, and are now working on the rest of their American alumni in ceasing their donations to their worthless institutions.

By giving socialist students and professors the power to police free speech on campus, they began their slow death spiral, and have so weakened the value of a college education, that in socialist states like California, numbers are down so much that students who remain on campus are feeling quite lonely compared to the numbers prior to the pandemic. The number of out-of-state students has drastically fallen, with parents outside of California doing their research, and daring not to send their kiddos into harm's way.

Israeli Professor Shai Davidai, who has essentially been banned from Columbia University for merely voicing protests over those who murdered his fellow citizens last October, feels unsafe on campus, and university heads are unable to stop those who are driving away Jewish students, and Jewish donors. In a nutshell, university leaders have painted themselves into a corner with radical muslims, so you now have white students joining the Jews, because they feel just as threatened by the conditions on campus with threats of harm as well. And it’s not just colleges and universities in New York, or the Ivy League.

At NYC high schools, anti-semitic students have literally chased Jewish teachers and have sent them threatening emails. And any investigations done by the NYC education department are lackadaisical, giving it the feel that 1938 NAZI Brownshirts are running the schools. Quite frankly, school leaders are afraid. They’ve opened a can of worms that they are scared to death of, and with laws on the side of criminals in crappy socialist cities, anything the Jew Haters do, in regards to harming university administrators, can be easily overlooked. Those same Jews and northern whites are heading south for their university educations. Florida State University shut down their Gaza protesters with lawnmower crews and sprinkler systems.

It’s possible that we could see mass shootings or suicide bombings associated with these radical Gaza protesters. They are all mad, and their ante can be easily up’d. Especially with someone frustrated that their point is not gotten across, and is ready to suicide bomb or take a weapon and kill for their cause.

It is obvious that there is a great cancer in the American Education System. When you have educators more concerned with teaching students the LGBT’s rather than the ABC’s and 123’s. Then we’ve got a gigantic problem. Quite frankly, I’m surprised that the radical muslim students conveniently dismiss the affront to their God over the LBGT’s being thrust in their face. Yet, when their people attack and murder Jews in the name of their god, they go all irate when Israel fights back.

And the Gaza protesters' ways of dissent, by shoving their thoughts in your face, intimidatingly praying in public on university campuses of all places, supported by their American lackeys, who openly mock the Christian God; but, if they themselves moved to Gaza, would immediately be killed. And all this chaos the Gaza protesters are creating by blocking traffic on The Golden Gate Bridge, or in Chicago, New York City, Seattle, and in other socialist hell holes. USC has already canceled their main commencement ceremony, but that is not gonna stop Gaza supporting students from stampeding over their individual college graduations. Some socialist parents have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for their kids to walk, and that might actually redpill some on the fence democrats in that arena. The Gaza protesters are doing nothing but electing Donald Trump, and redpilling a democrat population that has never been under such pressure for voting the wrong way … ever.

Of course, we haven’t seen the worst that the radical Gaza protesters can do yet. There will be increasing violence, if not before the election, then after Donald Trump is elected. America. The World. Needs an adult in the room. The situation with the border will be the worst ever as we ramp up into the summer. And the Gaza protesting radical muslims, have the foothold of their second front well entrenched in their invasion. I fear violence across the country. The Gaza protesters are already in need of anger management, and I’ve already written that if I hear “allahu akbar,” yelled in public, I’m gonna draw my weapon and start shooting. The limped spines of the democrats in D.C. and in other democrat hell holes, rolling over into these worthless socialist institutions of woke education, where they teach students what to think, instead of how to think critically. They’re arrogant zeal has ruined them and they don’t know it yet.

It’s sad that hatred for Our Country has come to this, but democrats have taught it. It’s been taught for well over a generation now, and even longer in democrat crapholes, where it’s most evident. Hatred for Country … hatred for life not of their skin color, and even their own skin color with black-on-black murder ... hatred for fetal (baby) life. White democrats are now throwing blacks under the bus for the illegal immigrants they give priority too. They have more compassion for the criminals over the victims. With socialist democrats, you have no private property rights. It’s total and complete madness.

So buckle up America. This summer and fall, will take you back to the havoc of 1968. And with a bunch of radical muslims who hate Jews involved, we are truly in uncharted territory.

Ruben can be reached at:

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