
Things to Know about Car Accidents in Spring, Conroe, and The Woodlands

By: Wham & Rogers, LLC | Published 09/18/2023


Texas boasts vast landscapes, bustling cities, and an intricate network of highways, making it a hub of transportation activity. With its growing population and thriving economy, Montgomery County witnesses a significant volume of traffic on its roadways daily. Unfortunately, this increased traffic also leads to a higher likelihood of accidents. 

Montgomery County is home to The Woodlands, Conroe, and borders Spring. It is part of the Houston Metropolitan area. The County is home to parts of Interstates 45 and 69, and highways 105, 249, and 99. These roadways are frequently traveled and often the site of auto accidents.


In the article below, The Woodlands car accident attorneys at Wham & Rogers delve into the most common types of traffic accidents that occur in Montgomery County, explore statistics on these accidents, and explore strategies for prevention.


If you have been injured in a car accident in Montgomery County, we can help! Call us at (832) 592-1108, or click the button below!

Statistics on Car Accidents in Montgomery County, Texas


Here are some statistics on traffic accidents in Montgomery County:


  • In 2022, there were 6,307 traffic accidents reported in Montgomery County.
  • Of these accidents, 11 were fatal, resulting in 12 deaths.
  • The most common type of accident was a two-vehicle collision, accounting for 55% of all accidents.
  • The most common time of day for accidents was between 3pm and 6pm, and the most common day of the week was Friday.
  • The most common location for accidents was on US Highway 59, followed by State Highway 105 and Interstate 45.


Remember, these statistics only apply to roadways in Montgomery County. Statistics on car accidents across the state are much higher and more devastating.


What are the Most Common Types of Car Accidents in Montgomery County?


Car accidents happen for many reasons, and involve many different factors and contributors. Overall, however, there are certain types of accidents that seem to occur more frequently than others. Here are some of the more common types of accidents we see in Montgomery County:


Rear-End Collisions


Rear-end collisions rank among the most prevalent types of accidents in Texas. These accidents often occur due to tailgating, distracted driving, or sudden stops. In congested areas like Houston, Dallas, and Austin, where traffic can be heavy, drivers may not have enough time to react to abrupt changes in speed, resulting in rear-end collisions. These accidents can lead to whiplash injuries, vehicle damage, and in some cases, multi-vehicle pileups.


Intersection Accidents


Intersections are notorious hotspots for accidents. Drivers often fail to yield the right-of-way, run red lights, or make improper turns, leading to crashes. In Texas, the complexity of intersections is exacerbated by the prevalence of wide roads and high-speed limits, increasing the potential for serious accidents.


T-bone Collisions


T-bone collisions, also known as side-impact crashes, occur when one vehicle strikes the side of another vehicle, forming a "T" shape. These accidents often happen at intersections and can result in severe injuries due to the limited protection on the sides of vehicles.


Single-Vehicle Accidents


Single-vehicle accidents involve only one vehicle and typically occur due to factors such as speeding, impaired driving, drowsy driving, or adverse weather conditions. These accidents can lead to rollovers, collisions with stationary objects, or veering off the road.


Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents


With an increasing emphasis on alternative modes of transportation and urban mobility, pedestrian and bicycle accidents have become a concerning issue in Texas. These accidents often result from distracted driving, failure to yield to pedestrians, and cyclists not following traffic rules.


Drunk Driving Accidents


Despite strict laws against it, drunk driving remains a significant problem in Texas. Alcohol impairs a driver's judgment, reflexes, and coordination, leading to a higher risk of accidents.


Distracted Driving Accidents


The proliferation of smartphones and other electronic devices has contributed to the rise of distracted driving accidents. Texting, talking on the phone, eating, or fiddling with in-car entertainment systems diverts a driver's attention from the road.


Steps to Prevent Car Accidents


  • Rear-End Collisions: Maintaining a safe following distance and avoiding distractions while driving are key to preventing rear-end collisions. Defensive driving techniques can also help drivers anticipate sudden stops and react accordingly.
  • Intersection Accidents: Adhering to traffic signals, obeying right-of-way rules, and scanning for oncoming traffic before proceeding through an intersection are crucial safety measures. Defensive driving courses can also help raise awareness about intersection-related risks.
  • T-bone Collisions: Ensuring proper observation of traffic signals, cautiously entering intersections, and reducing speed in areas with high potential for collisions are essential. Defensive driving training can also educate drivers about how to anticipate and avoid such situations.
  • Single-Vehicle Accidents: Practicing responsible driving behaviors, such as obeying speed limits, avoiding driving under the influence, and getting enough rest before embarking on long journeys, can significantly reduce the risk of single-vehicle accidents.
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents: Drivers must remain vigilant and avoid distractions while driving in areas with pedestrian and cyclist activity. Pedestrians and cyclists should use designated crosswalks and follow traffic signals to enhance their safety.
  • Drunk Driving Accidents: The most effective way to prevent drunk driving accidents is for individuals to avoid getting behind the wheel when intoxicated. Designating a sober driver, using rideshare services, or public transportation are safer alternatives.
  • Distracted Driving Accidents: Drivers should prioritize safe driving by refraining from using electronic devices while behind the wheel. Pulling over to a safe location if you need to use your phone can significantly reduce the risk of accidents.


As Montgomery County continues to experience population growth and economic development, car accidents remain a persistent concern. By practicing responsible driving behaviors, adhering to traffic rules, and promoting awareness about the risks of distracted, drunk, and reckless driving, Texans can work together to make their roads safer for everyone.


Get Help after a Car Accident Injury


If you have been injured in a car accident in The Woodlands, Spring, Conroe, or elsewhere in Montgomery County, the car accident attorneys at Wham & Rogers want to help. Our attorneys have 60 years of combined experience helping car accident victims obtain the justice and compensation that they deserve.


Get the legal help you need to understand your legal rights and options for pursuing compensation by contacting Wham & Rogers today. A free consultation with our Board Certified personal injury attorney can help you find the best path toward recovery. You can get started by calling us at (832) 592-1108, or by completing our online contact form

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