
Essential car care during the summer months!

By: Gullo Ford | Published 03/04/2024


Taking care of your car during the summer heat is essential to ensure it runs smoothly and avoids potential issues caused by high temperatures. Here are some car care tips to keep your vehicle in top condition during the hot summer months:

  1. Regularly Check Engine Coolant: Engine coolant, also known as antifreeze, is crucial for maintaining proper engine temperature. Check the coolant level regularly and ensure it is at the appropriate level. If needed, top it up with a mixture of coolant and water as recommended by your car’s manufacturer.
  2. Inspect the Cooling System: Have your car’s cooling system, including the radiator, hoses, and water pump, checked by a professional mechanic. They can identify any leaks or potential issues that could lead to overheating.
  3. Test the Battery: High temperatures can be tough on car batteries, so it’s essential to check their condition. Make sure the battery terminals are clean and free from corrosion. If your battery is old or weak, consider replacing it before it fails unexpectedly.
  4. Keep Tires in Good Shape: Hot roads and high temperatures can cause tire pressure to increase, leading to overinflated tires. Check your tire pressure regularly and adjust it to the manufacturer’s recommended levels. Also, inspect the tires for signs of wear and replace them if necessary.
  5. Use a Sunshade: When parking your car, use a sunshade or park in a shaded area to protect the interior from the scorching sun. This helps prevent fading of the dashboard, seats, and other interior components.
  6. Check Air Conditioning: Ensure your car’s air conditioning system is functioning correctly. If it’s not cooling efficiently, have it inspected and recharged if needed. A well-maintained AC system will keep you comfortable during hot summer drives.
  7. Monitor Engine Oil Levels: Regularly check the engine oil levels and top up if necessary. The engine oil lubricates the moving parts and helps dissipate heat, so maintaining the proper level is vital for engine health.
  8. Inspect Belts and Hoses: High temperatures can cause belts and hoses to degrade faster. Look for signs of wear, cracking, or fraying and replace them if needed. Damaged belts and hoses can lead to breakdowns and engine damage.
  9. Keep Your Car Clean: Regularly wash and wax your car to protect the paint from the sun’s UV rays. Clean the windows and mirrors for better visibility, and make sure to remove any bird droppings promptly, as they can damage the paint.
  10. Carry an Emergency Kit: Always have an emergency kit in your car, especially during summer road trips. The kit should include items such as water, a flashlight, jumper cables, a first-aid kit, and basic tools for minor repairs.

By following these car care tips, you can ensure your vehicle performs well and stays reliable during the hot summer months. Regular maintenance and attention to detail will go a long way in keeping your car in great shape and extending its lifespan.

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