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Cool, breezy, and maybe a little damp With luck, you’re already released from work or school obligations and are enjoying the onset of the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend – or that you will be within a matter of minutes or hours – but Woodlands Online never takes time off from keeping
Woodlands Online Weather
Moderate winds, clouds, and temperatures all weekend long The weekend may have started off with a slightly drizzly Friday morning, but things are on the upswing for the next several days, making for a doozy of a pleasant weekend.
Woodlands Online Weather
Cool and stormy all weekend long Well, you asked for it, you got it. Hot and dry weather is so last week now, and you can look forward to a long weekend of high winds, dropping temps, and falling rain. Welcome to autumn, Woodlands style.
Woodlands Online Weather
How this work week begins is nothing like how it ends The weather keeps flirting with autumn; right when we think we can turn off the home AC units for the winter and break out the parkas, the mercury shoots in the wrong direction and we wear short sleeves in the 80s.
Woodlands Online Weather
70s and 80s are a sign of the times While it’s nice to haul the winter clothing out of deep storage and enjoy some cooler and wetter weather, The Woodlands has decided to give us a mildly warm and bright break from the rains of last week and the thunderstorms on the horizon for next we
Woodlands Online Weather
It’s (probably) the last weekend of the 80s for the year Though some may be grumbling that Halloween takes place midweek, curtailing many late-night plans for the holiday, it’s a good thing because next week plans to be cold and dry. This is in direct contrast to this weekend, however, which will be decide
Woodlands Online Weather
The warm weather returns for daytime, but expect some cool overnights and clouds on the horizon Unbelievably (or not), we’re actually going to end back up in the low 90s for our high temperatures over the next couple of days as a warm, wet front moves in. We’ll start the end of the workweek bright and warm, but expect something cloudier and coo
Woodlands Online Weather
Bright, cool, and breezy… it rarely gets better than this At the risk of jinxing it, we at the Woodlands Online Weather Department have to say that The Woodlands will experience near-perfect weather all weekend long. Let’s get right to it.
Woodlands Online Weather
Say goodbye to summer heat, hello to autumn storms Our bright, relatively cool Monday is already winding down, with winds kicking in to sooth the earlier high of 84. As the sun sets, however, clouds will start to roll in, and definitely with a purpose. The grey and white puffs will stick around day a
Woodlands Online Weather
Believe it or not, it’s jacket and heater weather this weekend At long last, we’re out of the triple digits and – barring a freak heat wave or apocalyptic solar flare activity – the hundreds won’t return for at least the length of a human gestation period. In fact, the weather is going the other way, and we’ll a
Woodlands Online Weather
Sun, storms, and seventies… Though we’re fully into fall, the warm weather has still been holding on longer than is decent. That being said, we’re definitely in for some changes this week.
Woodlands Online Weather
Summer is wheezing out one final hot weekend Officially we’re in autumn, but the summer heat isn’t quite finished. Nearly, but not quite. It looks like we have one last weekend of temps in the 90s before the month of Columbus Day, International Coffee Week, and Halloween finally takes hold with
Woodlands Online Weather
The high temps are kicking and screaming their way out We may be out of the 100s for our highs, but the thermometer is fighting the drop with all its might, leaving us with another week or so of weather that’s just a tad too unseasonably warm. True, there is a general cooling trend, but we’ll get some sp
Woodlands Online Weather
Fall hits this week… but did someone tell the weather? We hate to make promises we can’t keep, but we’re pretty confident that the days of triple-digit highs are behind us for the next nine months or so. The seasons continue, and this week on Friday we’ll officially be in fall. Fortunately, the weather p
Woodlands Online Weather
First the rain, then temps in the 60s The wet stuff has returned with a vengeance, with thunder rumbling and raindrops pounding on our roofs and windowsills. The Woodlands Online Weather Team would like the personally thank whoever washed their car earlier this week, prompting the rain.
Woodlands Online Weather
Could we finally be at the tail end of triple-digit temperatures? Can it be? Possibly! It looks like today just might be the final day of high temperatures in the 100s. For weeks – if not months – we’ve been keeping our fingers crossed, and it looks like our fervent wishing might just be paying off. Lower temps, cl
Woodlands Online Weather
With luck, we might just avoid triple digits this week If you’ve survived The Woodlands weather thus far, then soon it’ll become one of those things that one day you’ll look back on and laugh. For now, however, the giggles of fondness may be in short supply as the record-breaking heat continues. That bei
Woodlands Online Weather
Red Cross responds to nearly twice as many large disasters in U.S. as a decade ago During National Preparedness Month in September, the Texas Gulf Coast Region urges everyone to prepare for worsening climate disasters affecting our communities, which have experienced wildfires and extreme heat.
Woodlands Online Staff
Will the rain evaporate before it hits the ground? Week in and week out, weekday and weekend, it’s been pretty much the same story; blazingly sunny and crushingly hot, with pavement you can bake a cake on and grass that crunches under your feet. Barring an apocalyptic solar flare, however, know that
Woodlands Online Weather
Unfortunately, it’s more of the same for this weekend For those who fear change, you’re in luck; once again, we’re in for yet another weekend of mostly sunny days with high temperatures in the 100s. Even nighttime doesn’t bring too much relief as the overnight lows – which actually hit just before dawn
Woodlands Online Weather