
WOODLANDS WEEKEND WEATHER – A weekend of wishing for the temps to plummet down into the 90s

By: Woodlands Online Weather
| Published 07/08/2022


THE WOODLANDS, TX – While there might be the ‘good’ news of some offshore precipitation brewing that could bring us several days of thunderstorms next week, this weekend we’ll be longing for the days when the highs ‘only’ reached into the 90s. Each day this weekend, we’ll easily break the 100-degree mark, with a heat index that could raise the stakes considerably.

Every afternoon this weekend will top 100 degrees

Today we’ll – oddly – see an increase in cloud cover, a byproduct of the humidity that will make the afternoon high of 101 feel like 107. The partly cloudy skies will clear as the sun goes down, and you can enjoy going outdoors to see the twinkling stars just as long as you don’t mind the low temps to not feel any cooler than the mid 80s all night long.

Saturday will feature mostly sunny skies with an outright brutal heat reaching 104 (with a heat index of 112), so it’s vital you dress and prepare appropriately for the elements. Even the winds won’t provide much relief, not getting over about 7 mph. The Saturday-to-Sunday overnight low will be as hot as last week’s high, never getting under the 80s.

Sunday will be a carbon copy of the day before, with another high of 104 – with accompanying heat index jacking it up an additional twelve degrees – under mostly sunny skies and mild winds. The only cooling-trend good news, however, is that heading into Sunday morning, the storm clouds will start brewing and we might get enough cloud cover and precipitation over the next week to get the highs all the way back ‘down’ into the 90s.

Stay tuned for weather updates from Woodlands Online, and be sure to check us out on Monday for our “Week Ahead” forecast.

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