Job Types
Employment Types
Job Locations

At Keep US Fed we believe that food availability is not the problem but a lack of food distribution. Our Food Recovery Volunteers pick up healthy and nutritious food from Donor organizations (grocery stores, restaurants, caterers, etc.) and deliver the items directly to existing 501(c)(3) non-profit Recipient organizations within Montgomery County (group homes, transitional homes, shelters, and food pantries). All our regularly occurring food pickups are scheduled between 8:00 and10:30am, 364 days a year, and take about 90 minutes to complete as all pickup and drop-off locations are within Montgomery County, TX. Most of our volunteers are individuals or work in teams (e.g., husband/wife, mother/son, friends, family). An ideal volunteer will have reliable transportation, a valid driver’s license, and will sign up for a minimum of 1 or 2 pickups a month. Must be able to use the computer application to sign up for pick up events and log the donation for appropriate reporting. To learn more, visit or email Thank you for your consideration of joining our team!

18 years or older or 14-17 and accompanied by a parent or guardian
Live within Montgomery County, Texas
Valid TX driver’s license
Reliable transportation
Personal Vehicle Insurance
Ability to lift 30-50 pounds
2 hours of your time per event
Ability to obtain a Food Handlers Certification
Basic computer application usage

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Last Name:
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