
Beaumont Animal Shelter asks for 'sharin the green' this St. Patrick's Day

By: J. Werner
| Published 03/17/2016


BEAUMONT, Texas - Please consider ‘sharin’ the green’ this St. Patrick’s Day by making a donation to the Beaumont Animal Shelter that suffered a devastating fire March 15. Sixty-seven dogs perished in the fire that appeared to have started in a dryer inside the building.

Amy Bean, President of the Humane Society of Southeast Texas board, told the media that the puppy room was the worst. Puppies are the most adoptable at shelters, so the loss was all the more heartbreaking.

The following comment was posted to the shelter’s Facebook page…

"It is with heavy hearts that we must inform you of the great loss we suffered tonight. Earlier this evening our facility caught on fire. Though the fire and police department did everything in their power to save all of our animals a total of 67 dogs died in the fire. There are no words to describe the pain we are feeling right now. Thank you to all of the staff, volunteers, veterinarians, and service men and women who came and assisted us tonight. We will be walking through the shelter in the morning to assess the damage and to make decisions on the best way to move forward." The most immediate need is cash donations which may be mailed to the following address:

1884 Pine Street
Beaumont, Texas 77703

(This article will be updated when information about an online fund can be obtained.)

The shelter is also desperately in need of the following items:

Dog and cat food (Purina only)

Money donations

Cat litter

Litter pans


Another immediate need is for foster homes for the survivors. In addition to those rescued from the fire, many animals will also be displaced due to the flooding in the area; the east Texas region beared the brunt of the flooding in Texas.

A volunteer cleanup effort is underway, Thursday, March 17. If available to donate time, notify the shelter via their Facebook page at Beaumont Animal Services Facebook.

For more information call (409) 880-3794 or visit the Beaumont Animal Services at Beaumont Animal Services.

#SharinTheGreen #OptToAdopt

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