
Woodlands Weekend Weather & Events – April 19 - 21, 2024 – Grab your umbrella

By: Woodlands Online Weather
| Published 04/19/2024


THE WOODLANDS, TX – All Friday, the weather has been in a fugue state, trying to determine if it should be warm and dry or cool and wet. Well, looks like the coin has finally been tossed, and we have a decision. And your outdoor plans probably won’t like it.

A wet weekend awaits

We’re mere hours away from a significant thunderstorm that is going to descend upon The Woodlands and make everything a lot more grey and hydrated than it was yesterday at this time. The storm will be intense but relatively brief, so if you hit a late movie at the cinema, the worst should be behind you when you come out. If you want something a little more active, his Copendero Archery, Rifle, and Pistol Range and blast the bejesus out of stuff with their Full-Auto Friday event. Another byproduct of the storm is that the temperature will drop about 10 degrees in a matter of minutes, rapidly getting us into the 70s before bedtime and in the upper 60s by dawn.

Overnight into Saturday, the chances of rain will still lurk under completely cloudy skies, and you’ll probably have thunder rumbles complementing your snoring. With each passing hour, however, the chances of more storms will increase, until around three o’clock in the afternoon, when you’re guaranteed to get wet no matter where you live in The Woodlands. From this point on for several hours, more than an inch of rain will be dropped on us, making for a slightly more hazardous outdoor scenario if you’re not careful. Practically all you need for indoors fun is the Kid Zone event at the George & Cynthia Woods Mitchell Library. We’ll stay in the 70s all day, but as the nighttime rains continue, the thermostat will steadily drop until we hit a low in the 50s.

Come Sunday morning, the strong overnight thunderstorms will finally be on the backside, and come late afternoon the air should be rain free again. Shortly thereafter, the clouds too will diminish, leaving us with a clear, starry sky to fall asleep to. If you need to clear your mind and recenter yourself after all the storming, hit Blissful Waters Float Center for a Lucia Light treatment… trust us; it’s mind expanding! The high humidity, plummeting pressure, and brisk breezes will all conspire to keep it a cool day, with the high being a winterlike 65 degrees and the low being in the 40s somewhere.

After such a thundery weekend, it looks like the first part of next week will make up for it with warmer, brighter weather…

Stay tuned for weather updates from Woodlands Online, and be sure to check us out on Monday for our “Week Ahead” forecast.

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