
Special Angels of The Woodlands needs a new home

Published 04/26/2013


THE WOODLANDS, Texas -- About 30 mentally challenged young adults who look forward to the daily open door and friendly “hello” at Special Angels of The Woodlands (SAW) could soon hear their last “goodbye”. A monthly rental rate increase almost four times the current rate is forcing them to vacate the center that’s been “home” for the last 4 years. Hopes are high that another door will soon open to keep the services intact for their needy, very special clients.

“We just received news about our present location that due to the high occupancy of the business park, the monthly discounted rate will very soon be increased to almost four times what we currently pay,” Phillip Givens said. Givens is Board President for Special Angels of The Woodlands, a daytime activity center for the mentally challenged with a focus on improving life skills. “The space is now being actively marketed making it imperative that we find a new location as soon as possible.

“Presently, we’re at capacity here with people on the waiting list,” Givens said. “We’re hoping that this will be an opportunity to accommodate our needs and expand our space to about 4,000 to 5,000 square feet. We have faith that a door will open and may even provide the expanded space. We’re looking for a solution. The community has recognized our daily needs and has been very supportive. While support has been strong and helpful with expenses for daily activities, finding a new location is a huge, immediate challenge for us. Coming here is a high point in the daily lives of our clients—one that we hope to continue.”

Mentally challenged students age out of the school system after turning 22. The routine and challenges of special learning opportunities are gone along with an environment that contributed a degree of normalcy in their lives. That’s when an open door at Special Angels means the world to them. It’s a place that focuses on helping the young adults, and older ones, learn life skills to help them live as normal a life as possible. Teachers assist in classes. A computer lab, an arts and crafts area, or assisting in the kitchen offer many opportunities for personal development.

“I don’t know what our son, Travis, would do without Special Angels,” Verdye Posey said. “All of these people need the interaction and goodwill provided there. They need the friends, and a place where they can feel safe and secure.

“Travis loves all the activities,” Posey said, “and we love that he’s with a group that’s always involved in the community going out to exercise, for bowling, or to a movie. They celebrate monthly birthdays at a local restaurant where they’re also learning how to act in that setting. At Special Angels they are taught valuable life skills in a very caring and giving atmosphere. Without it he may just become closed off and angry. We really hope Special Angels can find a new home.”

Founded in 2001 by Thelma Braddock who cared for her daughter and another young woman, both with Down syndrome, SAW continues to be a much needed haven. Instilling confidence in SAW clients about what they can capably do—even if it’s small—is a valuable gift for life.

Guests attending the recent annual fundraising event helped to provide necessary funding for 2013 activities at SAW, a 501c3 organization. “Special Angels in Your Kitchen”, a new cookbook chock full of delectable recipes shared by friends is selling for $15 plus shipping and may be purchased by calling the SAW office at 281.292.2073. Coming soon--Shop for a Cause at the upcoming Macy’s event, and let SAW benefit from your contribution.

Meanwhile, it will take a special “miracle” to provide a new home for SAW just in the nick of time, and miracles do happen. Visit or see them on for more information.

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