
Republican Presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, speaks in Conroe Sept 10

By: Woodlands Online staff
| Published 09/10/2015


CONROE, Texas - Republican presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, will speak before a sellout crowd at Conroe High School Thursday night, at 7:00 p.m. Dr. Carson ‘threw his hat into the ring’ back in May, and is now campaigning for the candidacy along with seventeen other hopefuls.

Unlike many candidates, Dr. Carson’s life was not one of privilege. He grew up in a poor, single-parent household in Detroit. He excelled in high school and upon completion, went on to attend college at Yale University. After graduation he worked as an X-ray technician, a bank teller, a school bus driver, a supervisor for highway cleanup crews, and a crane operator in a steel factory, before being accepted into The University of Michigan School of Medicine.

He served his residency training at the Johns Hopkins University Medical Center in Maryland, and eventually went on to direct pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center for 29 years, retiring in 2013. Among his career’s highlights...the first successful separation of craniopagus (Siamese) twins joined at the back of the head in 1987; the first completely successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins in 1997 in South Africa; and the first successful placement of an intrauterine shunt for a hydrocephalic twin.

Dr. Carson holds 67 honorary doctorate degrees. In 2001, Dr. Carson was named by CNN and TIME Magazine as one of the nation’s 20 foremost physicians and scientists. That same year, he was selected by the Library of Congress as one of 89 “Living Legends.” In 2008 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation’s highest civilian honor.

A strong believer in education, and alarmed by studies showing America’s students falling behind the rest of the world academically, he and his wife, Candy, founded the Carson Scholars Fund in 1994. It rewards young people of all backgrounds, for exceptional academic and humanitarian accomplishments. The Carson Scholars Fund now operates in all 50 states and has awarded scholarships to more than 7,500 scholars.

Dr. Carson is a prolific writer and author, and has published eight books, including his autobiography, Gifted Hands. Two other books were New York Times Bestsellers: America the Beautiful, Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great, and One Nation, What We All Can Do to Save America’s Future, which was on the New York Times Best Seller’s List for twenty weeks, five of those weeks at #1. Gifted Hands was the subject of the award-winning, made-for-television movie by the same title. (Cuba Gooding, Jr. played Dr. Carson in the leading role.)

Where Dr. Carson stands on some issues of significance:

A Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution in order to restore fiscal responsibility to the federal government’s budget.

A simpler, and more fair and equitable tax system.

Education - Common Core must be overturned.

The fundamental right of law-abiding citizens to own firearms.

To read where Dr. Carson stands on other issues of importance go to Ben on the Issues.

He will expound on these issues Thursday evening.

In the Monmouth University poll released Monday, Carson drew even with Trump making this the first poll in any of the first four nominating states, not showing Trump with a nominal lead. Of the poll respondents, both men garnered 23 percent.

Although Dr. Carson’s speaking engagement is a sell-out in the preferred seating, general admission, and free tickets to children and students, a closed-circuit feed to overflow seats in the high school cafeteria were made available at a reduced rate of $15 a seat. Call the Montgomery County Republican Party for availability.

Conroe High School is located at 3200 West Davis St. on the north side, west of I-45N.

See related link Republican Presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, speaks in Conroe Sept 10.

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