
Get Connected not Affected

By: Petrene Soames
| Published 02/03/2010


February and Valentines day is just around the corner that great celebration of love and lovers, but are you in the mood? It's been cold and not only the plants are affected, many of us get a little down in the cold weather. Even knowing that we are better off and have far fewer cold days than in other parts of the country.

Talking about moods, the Haiti Earthquake on January the 12th shook many of us deeply, more than the ground itself was shaken. I have spoken to people who are having a hard time moving on, it's true, the world can seem full of tragedy and at times like this feel like a dark and dismal place.

Disasters shake us up, but also often bring out the best in us. We reflect on how blessed we really are and are given an opportunity to reach out and give too others. Be it sending financial aid straight from our own pocket, organizing a fund raiser, working together with those in our community for the greater good, or perhaps simply keeping those hit by disaster in our highest thoughts.

In these times, we see just how connected we really all are. Indeed, the world is a very small place and there are no strangers. There are many positives out there and looking on the bright side is something that we can do to lift ourselves up, because amongst the news from Haiti we also saw images of rescue teams pulling people from the rubble. The 16-year-old girl who had been buried in rubble for fifteen days; the amazing and triumphant smile of the young boy who lit up our hearts with his spirit when he was emancipated but alive. The last I heard was that over 135 people had been pulled from rubble many surviving for many days despite the odds.

Disasters have an affect on the psyche of humankind, both individually and collectively we are affected, but getting connected can and does happen to ourselves at any given moment. Often, it's simply that we make that choice. Get connected to all that's good and all that's positive in your life, and in others it's far more preferable to getting affected and finding yourself in a pit of despair. So do look for the good, let yourself cry, let yourself feel, for we are human and each one of us connected to the other and in such times we feel it all.

Get connected to the positives in life and in the news, seek out positive news, step out from the mass consciousness when its dwelling on the misery and choose to stand in the light, the color, and the warmth of your world and your experience. It's a choice, and you can make it. If all of these seem like words and you do feel disconnected and alone its time to be there for yourself, whatever those words mean too you.

So start today by taking a pen and paper and writing down eight small things that make you happy and bring you joy. Put that list somewhere where you will see it often and make a point of including those small things in your life again, sometimes we have to go back to be able to go forward.

Another useful helpful tip to get connected, is to rub your stomach your chest your lower back and your hands and feet and finally all over your face at least once a day, use some pressure and really feel it.

You can find many other simple self healing exercises that really work in my book "The Essence Of Self Healing" how to Bring Health and Happiness into your life" Check the web site at to order or go to

Next month stay tuned to this space as we will be looking at the year 2012, what's been said, what too expect and what you can do......

Meanwhile Happy Valentines and Happy February and lots of love too you!

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