
Rep. Brady: 9.1 percent jobless rate, America deserves better

Published 08/05/2011


Move trade agreements, increase American energy production, and lower tax barriers to jumpstart the economy

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- July's unemployment rate inched down to 9.1 percent. 117,000 jobs were created in an economy that is barely growing.

“Two and a half years ago, President Obama signed his historic stimulus bill, promising to jump start the economy, restore consumer confidence, and put people back to work,” stated U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-Texas), the Vice Chairman and top Republican on the Joint Economic Committee. “If we are to again see economic prosperity, our economy has to grow at a rate faster that .4 percent or 1.3 percent.”

“In an economy recovering from a severe financial crisis, reassurance and encouragement to invest is what’s needed; not gaping government deficits, higher taxes, and a glut of new regulations,” added Brady. “Businesses don’t take risks when they are fearful of future losses. It’s really that simple.”

Brady, who also chairs the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee, says any government ‘help’ should be in the form of creating the right environment for businesses to hire. This includes passing pending sales agreements that will increase exports, lowering tax barriers to bring stranded U.S. dollars back from overseas, approving new pipeline infrastructure, and opening up new areas for American energy production.

“America is fair. It has been patient. But after two and a half years enough is enough. The policies advocated by this Administration have failed to revive this economy. America deserves better than a second-rate economy that’s held up to ridicule by other nations,” concluded Brady.

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