
Daylight Saving Time begins this weekend

Published 03/05/2013


THE WOODLANDS, Texas -- Sunday morning at 2 a.m. in The Woodlands is the beginning of Daylight Saving Time. Don't forget to turn you clocks an hour ahead Saturday night before you head off to bed.

A great way to remember whether you gain or lose an hour each cycle is to repeat this phrase: spring forward, fall back.

Daylight Saving Time, also known as 'Summer Time' around the world, solves our day to night ratio in relation to the equator. If you live closer to the equator you have even day and night, but the further away from the equator you live the longer period of daylight in the summer. Thus by 'changing' time we take an hour of daylight from the morning and gain it in the evening.

Conceived by Benjamin Franklin, the idea for daylight saving will ensure an extra hour of outdoor fun for all throughout The Woodlands.

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