
Woodlands Weather This Week – May 20 - 24, 2024 – Cloudy, Windy, and Warm

By: Woodlands Online Weather
| Published 05/20/2024


THE WOODLANDS, TX – We’re a month and a day from the official start of summer (and the longest day of the year), but the temperatures are already taking on a decidedly post-spring feel. All week long, we’ll be hitting highs sound the 90s, with bare relief overnights as the nighttime mercury will stay in the 80s and 70s. On the plus side, we seem to be past any additional rain or flood danger.

Highs in the 90s presage a summer to come

Though we’re just now hitting our Monday high of 92, the heat index has it feeling a lot closer to 100. The winds are kicking up and will hang around for a few hours, so that will help keep the heat exhaustion at bay. Our mostly cloudy skies have been clearing up, and we should see plenty of stars for the first part of tonight, but soon enough the clouds will return, helping keep the temperatures overnight in the mid 70s.

Tuesday morning will see a lot of morning clouds that will eventually wander away. There will be a spiked chance of rain in the morning, but that will go away soon enough – along with the clouds – and we’ll have a sunshiny rest of the day. Once again, we’ll have a high temperature in the low 90s, but the humidity will crank the heat index up so that it will feel hotter than 100 degrees.

Wednesday may be our only break from the 90-plus temps, but you can also add about ten degrees to the natural high of 88. The blanket of clouds will keep the blazing sunlight at bay, which will help things from feeling too summery. In the late afternoon and early evening you can expect winds to pick up to about 15 mph; again, certainly not storm level, as we hit another overnight low of 75.

Things will get back to normal on Thursday as the skies brighten up considerably and the mercury breaks the 90 mark again. As afternoon hits, the clouds will clear out, making for a bright time as most schools get out for the summer break.

Friday will be more of the same, with spikes of winds around 13 miles per hour under mostly sunny skies. The pressure has been on a steadily downward trend all week, keeping things hot and bright. Another high in the mid 90s and a low in the mid 70s will let us know what to expect for the weekend.

But as we get more into next week and the pressure rises again, we can look forward to some possibly thundery activity…

Stay tuned to Woodlands Online for our Weekend Weather report coming on Friday.

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