
Lahiri Plastic Surgery Debuts Hair Transplantation

Published 08/20/2008


Plastic Surgeon Dr. Sabrina Lahiri is first to bring permanent hair transplant services to the local Woodlands area.

The Woodlands, Texas -- Sabrina Lahiri M.D., F.A.C.S., of Lahiri Plastic Surgery has announced the recent debut of hair transplantation surgery services at her practice.

She is among the first, if not the only surgeon to perform this highly-coveted procedure in the local area of The Woodlands and Montgomery County, and one a handful in the Greater Houston area.

Hair transplant surgery results in permanent replacement of hair loss, and is appropriate for both men and women due to genetic or natural hair loss, scarring, or injury.

The procedure is performed in-office with the patient made comfortable with light sedation. A series of micro-grafts approximately 8 to 10 millimeters wide are discreetly removed from an area of hair growth – for example the back of the head – and precisely processed for transplantation using the latest, state-of-the-art microscopic technology. The follicles are then transplanted for re-growth in the targeted areas.

According to Dr. Lahiri, who is double board certified by The American Board of Surgery and The American Board of Plastic Surgery, the psychological effects of hair loss can be significant. For men, most experience at least some degree of hair loss in their lifetime, with the numbers increasing continuously with age. By their late 20’s, approximately 12% of men experience some hair loss. By the time a man is in his 50s, he has a greater than 50% chance of displaying some genetic baldness.

For women, there is a misconception that hair loss in women is rare, yet hair loss is actually relatively common with about 30% experiencing at least some degree of thinning in their lifetime.

For Carlos Ibarra, who recently underwent hair transplant surgery with Dr. Lahiri, his procedure resulted in 900 hair follicles extracted from the back of his head and individually transplanted to the front receding hairline. Ibarra was given local anesthesia and oral sedation to remain comfortable during the procedure, which lasted about three hours.

While the transplanted follicles immediately take root in the scalp within minutes after each unit is implanted, the transplanted area of the scalp is completely healed within a week or two. Since hair grows in cycles, the new follicles will have fully re-grown in the scalp within three to four months.

“Dr. Lahiri and her technicians explained everything I needed to know as well as what to expect long term. I am already enjoying the results of my transplant, and my girlfriend is also excited about it!”

Dr. Lahiri added, “I am delighted to announce the availability of hair transplant surgery to my patients here locally, as there are only a handful of surgeons who perform this procedure in the Greater Houston area and they are all located in the Texas Medical Center. My patients have been enthused to hear that this option is now available right here in The Woodlands with expert, quality precision.”

Dr. Lahiri is a member of several coveted groups including The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and she is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. In addition, she will soon be a member of The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.

For more information about Lahiri Medical Spa or Lahiri Plastic Surgery, please call (281) 419-1123 or visit their Web site at the link below.

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