
Labor Day: Celebrating Hard Working Americans

By: Kelsey Dunckel
| Published 09/05/2009


From politicians to teachers, soldiers to truck drivers, entrepreneurs to doctors, americans work hard to earn their own living. Our country was built with hard work and perseverance. This is why we have one day out of the year to celebrate and honor all the hard working people in America, and remember the struggle people had to go through to make our nation great.

Labor Day is held on first Monday of every September, but the first Labor Day was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City led by the Central Labor Union. The next year it was celebrated on the same day.

However, in 1884, Monday was chosen as the holiday and soon many industrial cities around America was celebrating the day. Then by 1894, Congress passed an act that made the first Monday of September every year a legal holiday.

In the beginning, America celebrated the holiday by having big parades and festivals with prominent men and women speaking to the public. However, as the years went by there was less parades and more forms of expression through important working people and their opinions on the day.

Samuel Gompers, the founder of the most powerful labor union in American history, once said, “Labor Day is devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation.”

Labor Days is a true holiday that pays homage to those who have achieved the American dream and those attempting to. It honors the struggle of earning a living, and the perseverance and hard work of the American people.

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