
Woodlands residents have new e-waste recycling spot

By: Bryan Shettig
| Published 06/22/2012


THE WOODLANDS, Texas –– Amazing Spaces Storage Centers has teamed up with GREENspot DROPoff to provide Woodlands residents with another free spot to recycle e-waste.

Residents can now drop off their e-waste at Amazing Spaces The Woodlands,18250 Interstate 45 South.

Since its doors opened, Amazing Spaces Storage Centers has been had community service programs including “Toys for Tots” toy drives and collection spot, Shriners Hospitals for Children “Make a Difference” campaign nd dnow GREENspot DROPoff.

“It’s really fantastic to see Amazing Spaces take charge in diverting electronic waste that typically ends up in our landfills,” said Mike Wachtel, president of GREENspot DROPoff. “Their commitment to preserving the quality of our environment certainly raises the bar for the rest of the industry.”

Electronic waste, or e-waste for short, can pose a serious threat to the environment and human health when disposed of improperly. When e-waste is exposed to the elements, such as in dumps or landfills, chemical compounds and heavy metals, including lead, can leach into groundwater, and when ingested, can cause serious damage to the central nervous system.

When e-waste is dropped off at an Amazing Spaces location, it is sent to either an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler for processing. Once at the processing facility, the material is sorted by type and either dismantled, shredded, or both.?Certain items, such as CRT monitors and televisions must be processed separately (because of the high volume of lead) and are usually sent downstream to a specialized glass facility that can separate the lead from the glass panels. Usually the glass will still contain trace amounts of lead, thereby prohibiting its use in most consumer applications.

The material that is shredded is then separated into different commodities like ferrous metals (iron-based metals), non-ferrous metals and plastics. These materials are then sent to manufacturers for reuse in new products.

The GREENspot program is open to the general public and collects items such as:

-Computer monitors, PC boards
?-Computers, laptops
-Computer mice
-Fax machines
-DVD players
-VCRs and Betamax players
-Cables and cords
-Stereo components
-Hard drives
-Tape and ZIP drives
-Loose PCBAs (printed circuit board assemblies)
-Optical drives
-Most miscellaneous e-waste

“It’s a huge challenge in so many ways” said Dan Jaeggi, GM at GREENspot. “But by partnering with environmentally conscious companies like Amazing Spaces Storage Center, we’re able to provide the general public with a no-cost, convenient and responsible recycling solution for their end of life electronics.”

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