
House of File App Development offers Teacher’s Pet for educational institutions

By: Mike File
| Published 12/27/2012


DICKINSON, Texas – Advancements in technology have made it easier for a teacher to conduct highly educational classes. The Teacher’s Pet is an app that makes their iPad the greatest teaching assistant. House of File App Development offers this mobile application that has been specifically created for iPad and iPad Mini. With the use of this application, teachers can plan, prepare and present daily lessons for the sessions at their school.

The mobile application enables teachers to craft lessons and further categorize them by date, grade or subject and save it to the calendar. The saved documents can be emailed to their colleagues as well as supervisors. Teachers’s Pet allows them to prepare notes using an interactive WhiteBoard that can be preloaded with a graphic or a picture. PDF files, documents and PPT presentation files can be imported. Its features further enable them to upload videos, images, record lectures and even generate flash cards. Lessons can be created for as many subjects as they need each day.

Teacher’s Pet is one of a kind as there are no such apps designed for the iPad to achieve different functions at a given time. When the lessons are eventually saved to the calendar, the teacher can easily retrieve them for classroom presentation. The overhead VGA connector supports the app, and with its use, sessions can be conducted for the students.

With education of children being one of the most discussed subjects all around the world, House of File App Development application can prove to quite beneficial. Some of the special features offered by Teacher’s Pet, include printing, emailing or sending notes via Bluetooth. Imported materials are loaded through iTunes File Sharing and saved on the computer for later references. The calendar helps give reminders, such as when the grades are due or when meetings are scheduled.

Professionals who have come up with this application have invested a total of 40 years. Usage of this application in school can really make the process easier for teachers as well as students. Lectures generated with the use of this application are seamless and guarantee highly interactive lectures for the students. To acquire more information on this app, individuals can log on to The features offered by this application can really bring about a drastic change in the working process of the educational system.

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