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Former local high school teacher finding success as an author

THE WOODLANDS, Texas - One moment Joy Preble is teaching a creative writing class at Oak Ridge High School in Conroe ISD and the next she’s a published author of two book series, with two more series on the way.
"Dreaming Anastasia", which was released in 2009, is a paranormal romance where the protagonist Anne, with the help of the mysterious Ethan, must save the lost princess Anastasia who was presumed dead for so long after her family was murdered. Baba Yaga, a famous witch of Russian folklore is a big part of the story, and Preble was surprised how many people loved not only the witch but her subject matter.
In Preble’s second series, "The Sweet Dead Life", Jenna was poisoned and on her way to being taken to the ER by her brother Casey, they end up in a car wreck where Casey dies. However, he returns as her guardian angel to figure out who poisoned Jenna. The series was called, “sassy” and “witty” by critics.
With two series under her belt, the high school teacher continues to count her blessings for her first book being published and gaining in popularity so quickly.
“I was very lucky that the first book I wrote was sold and published," said Preble. "I was very lucky to sign with a literary agent I adore, who is both my business partner and my friend. I have five books on shelves right now, with two more on the way! That’s crazy lucky. I love my editors and I love the books I am getting to write.”
Preble shared that Dreaming Anastasia was Sourcebooks’ first YA title for its new Fire imprint. And Sweet Dead Life was part of the inaugural season in spring 2013 for Soho Press’s new Soho Teen.
When the author was asked why she decided to write in the YA category, Preble stated, “Because that’s when every emotion is at its height. We’re experiencing so much for the very first time, from our first serious attempts at romance to our search for self and what we want to do with our lives."
Preble, who was an English teacher for many years, gained plenty of knowledge of young adults from her students, explaining that she misses the day-to-day interaction with them.
“High school students are generally unflinchingly honest about how they see the world," said Preble. "They put themselves out there, you know? So I definitely miss the intensity of emotion that packed every day. I miss the daily interaction about life, literature and ideas and being surrounded by people who were still feeling their way around, figuring out what their passions would be.”
Preble was excited to discuss her upcoming books as well. The first book coming to stores will be Finding Paris, which arrives on April 21st in 2015 from Harper Collins/Balzer & Bray.
“It’s a darker contemporary YA mystery/road trip/romance with a possibly unreliable narrator and some twisty secrets. I’m very proud of this book and have been so fortunate that such a fine imprint at a big house acquired it.”
And then in spring, 2016, It Wasn’t Always Like This, arrives from Soho Press, who publishes the "Sweet Dead Life" series.
When asked if she had any advice for young writers Ms. Preble was more than pleased to accommodate.
"Not every reader is a writer," said Preble. "But every good writer, without exception, is a voracious reader. If you want to write, you need to read in the genre you want to write. You need to read beyond that genre. I like to say that if you want to write romance, first read 50 romances. Maybe 100. I’m not kidding about that. If you don’t read, you really will never internalize story structure. And live as big a life as you can. Travel, meet people and listen and observe. Open your mind and heart as wide as you can, and then sit down and write. Writing is wonderful, and it’s my dream job, but at the end of the day, it’s hard, grueling work and the willingness to do something over and over until you get it right.”
Joy Preble talked about how it feels to have a dream come true and why those who haven’t read her books yet, should.
“I’ve wanted to write for publication for a long time. I began to seriously pursue it about ten years ago. Having books on shelves in stores and on line for people to buy and read is seriously the most simultaneously thrilling and terrifying thing I’ve ever done professionally. I love making art. I love taking an idea and shaping it into a book. The best way to support authors you love is to buy their books and read them and then tell other people about them. But why should you read? Because they are stories about love and life and the universe—about what it means to risk and be human and what we do when it all goes wrong… as well as when it all goes right.”
You can stay updated on Joy Preble’s work at joypreble.com and can find a list of any upcoming events with the author. The author’s next book signing is scheduled for September 27th at Champions Forest BN on 1960 West.