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EfTA focuses 8th graders on the future with Future Focus program
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Texas - Education for Tomorrow Alliance (EfTA) is focused on the future and is ensuring that today’s youth is prepared for it as well. Making the rounds at the Conroe Independent School District’s junior high schools, EfTA volunteers visited York Jr. High Wednesday, presenting the Future Focus program to the eighth graders.
Future Focus is a series of interactive exercises that help students realize the importance education has on their future, and the lasting impact today’s decisions have later in their life.
“It’s a real eye opener for the students,” said EfTA Program Director, Elaine Christian. “They learn it’s not too soon to start thinking about their future.”
Many Montgomery County high school and college graduates may remember the program when it was called Choices. The project has been modified over the years, but the message is the same...decisions made today can have lasting and long-term effects. The evolution of change has been brought about by the students themselves. Students are required to fill out an evaluation form at the completion of the session. EfTA takes the students’ constructive feedback to heart. Continuous improvement is among the many attributes the program underscores, and likewise, EfTA has continued to improve the project to make it both enlightening and beneficial.
The program is mutually beneficial for both the students and the presenters. In the span of one hour the presenters have the unique opportunity of making a lasting impact on young lives. The only requirement is that the presenters have a little patience and some free time.
“We can always use more volunteers; for both the Future Focus program and the annual science fair,” said Christian.
The project will be presented at McCullough Jr. High the third week of October and at Knox Jr. High the last week of next month. Although an orientation is required, anyone interested in presenting next year, can volunteer now. The 26th Annual SCI://TECH Science Fair will take place mid January through mid February 2016. Plan now to share your experiences, knowledge, and time with the future of tomorrow.
For more information about Education for Tomorrow Alliance (EfTA) call Program Director, Elaine Christian, at 936.271.6150, or email her at echristian@efta-us.org. Also visit their website at Education for Tomorrow Alliance.