
Peggy Hausman’s Farewell Letter to Community Service

By: Peggy Hausman
| Published 10/16/2015


Letter to the Editor,

First and Foremost...THANK-YOU EVERYONE FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT OVER MY YEARS OF SERVICE. It has been a pleasure and a joy to serve on The WCA,TCID and Township boards. Our Hometown and County is truly a finely tuned community of purpose driven individuals and families. It is with the greatest of hope that I would be able to thank everyone personally. After all I am not leaving just stepping off the Township board.

Most importantly:

VOTE your own conscience and reasoning

VOTE with a vengeance to be heard and reckoned with

VOTE or you can wave good bye to all that you think and most of what you would like to see happen.

The Township/County election is.....Nov. 3, 2015 Early Voting starts Oct. 19 th through Oct. 30 th. Visit for your voting location.

"A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm."

Henrik Johan Ibsen, An Enemy of the People, Billing, Act 1

I would also like to thank every candidate for stepping up to the plate to run for a position. It is not only a humbling experience, but it is also expensive, time consuming and you learn really fast who your true friends are. When you go to the polls and vote, stop and thank as many of the candidates as you can. Check out their web site, call and place a sign in your yard for your choice, or contribute financially to their campaigns.

As I have said for the past several years, The Woodlands and the County is going through a change and residents are listening and watching. Knowing I was stepping down, I sat back and watched for who could be my new leaders and three outstanding residents stepped forward and stood tall. They represented no special interest other than you and me. They were not in the magazines; not one of them is Woodlands elite; they have never cut any ribbons; they just stood up.

They are all running for The Township board positions.

Matthew Burton: is the gentleman who started the petition that brought the attention to the massive clear cutting of Creekside. He sat down with the developer, drafted a plan and worked to find a solution to the Clear Cutting in Creekside. His voice and new leadership was a welcome sign. He comes to The Township with fresh ideas and a wonderful ability to unite those qualities. His spark, and "can do" spirit reminds me of myself 25 years ago. I know he will be as accessible to the people to answer and ask tough questions as I have tried.

The second leader that rose to the top is;

Laura Fillault, who did the research to stop the first "Pork Ridden Road Bond." She spoke the message of the people and helped shut it down. She was NOT photographed with thumbs up-she listened to the people who said, NO WOODLANDS PARKWAY EXPANSION, NO WASTE AND NO SPECIAL INTERESTS. Her knowledge of the issues, her well crafted questions and her endless supply of energy makes her a true leader of the people. She listened, she did her research and asked the "WHY?" questions. I for one was glad she asked more questions than me. I am sorry to say with a petition of over THOUSANDS of resident voices, only three of your current directors stood up and JUST SAID NO. (myself, John McMullan and Gordy Bunch.)

My third leader, was an easy choice;

John McMullan, currently serves on the board and is quite a force to be listened to. You won't see his picture in the paper or hear him shouting praises in the editorial sections; you probably will never hear him even take credit for all his hard work. He is a man who listens, prepares for every meeting and does his research. I am thankful I had the opportunity to serve with John. I know with his service on the board no special interests are served- just the will of the people.


What about the Road Bond?

Well, that is a tough one. Yes, we need a road bond. Traffic is horrible. Do I like the way it came back so quickly and with little if any input? No. Does it include Woodlands Parkway expansion? NO..... WE NEED MONEY FOR ROADS. I am voting YES, but will be watching closely if passed.


As I close with the same words I have closed with over the years.

"Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching."

I hope I have earned your trust over the years and have lived up

to my closing.

Thank-you for all your years of support,

Peggy Hausman

Woodlands Resident

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