
Local shuttle provides safe, worry-free transportation for students

By: Amanda Puskorius
| Published 10/21/2015


THE WOODLANDS, Texas - This day and age, families tend to find themselves in a bind for time with school, work, dinner, homework, extracurricular activities, tutoring, church, and much more. Going Places Student Shuttle is the very first available transportation shuttle service for students in The Woodlands and Conroe ISD that is safe, reliable, and worry-free for parents.

Going Places Student Shuttle is the very first available transportation shuttle service for students in The Woodlands and surrounding areas.

Imagine your child proposing the idea of joining an athletic team or club activity, but having to turn down their dream due to a busy work schedule and other time constraints. Amanda Ohm, founder of Going Places Student Shuttle, faced this problem when her daughter asked to join her school's basketball team.

“Recently my daughter came home and asked if she could try out for the basketball team,” Ohm said. “Of course I immediately agreed, only to realize that if she makes the team I need to leave for work an hour before she is required to be at daily practice. Within moments, I was racking my brain trying to figure out who I know that might be able to help; quickly realizing that daily transportation is too much to ask of any one person. I frantically searched for children’s transportation services in the area, only to find that none exist. Then the sinking feeling of how to break the news to my daughter set in. Soon, I realized that I can’t possibly be the only parent in this community that faces this same transportation struggle.”

And with that, Going Places was born. Going Places Student Shuttle’s top priority is your child’s safety through clean, well-maintained vehicles fully equipped with GPS and cameras to monitor both inside and outside of each vehicle. Drivers are professionally trained and licensed drivers, and are required to pass a background check and fulfill the hiring process. The application process includes a state licensed, qualified driver that must pass a background check, clean driving record, and good driving habits. CPR, first aid and supplemental training will be provided after passing the basic requirements. In fact, most drivers are former bus drivers with experience driving in local school districts.

Services include door-to-door transportation between home, school and extracurricular activities, mid-day appointment transportation, non-emergency sick child pick up, optional electronic alerts when your child reaches their destination, and booster seats for children ages 4 - 8 years. Scheduling a ride can be completed within minutes through three easy steps: sign the service agreement, register your child for when you need the service, and prepayment of trip rates. Going Place Student Shuttle is now accepting registrations for the 2016 school year. Mention ‘Woodlands Online’ upon registration, and Going Places Student Shuttle will provide a 5% registration fee discount.

Ohm expresses her passion and the significance to the company’s name, “On the surface it is obvious that the service will get you from point A to point B, but the name choice comes from helping our children go places in life. I believe that children that grow up to be successful are not just going to school and getting by with the minimum requirements. They are out doing extra activities and really getting involved, and that is where I want to help,” said Ohm.

For more information about Going Place Student Shuttle, please visit their website or call (832) 930-3022. Be sure to ‘Like’ them on Facebook.

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