
Detective Brandon Bartoskewitz was honored as being the 2018 “Detective of the Year” by the East Montgomery County Improvement District.

By: Montgomery County Sheriff's Office
| Published 03/01/2019


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Texas -- On February 21, 2019, Detective Brandon Bartoskewitz was honored as being the 2018 “Detective of the Year” by the East Montgomery County Improvement District. Detective Bartoskewitz has been assigned to the East Montgomery County Criminal Investigation Division for approximately one year, and has proven himself to be an outstanding Detective to his co-workers, his supervisors and the citizens of Montgomery County. Detective Bartoskewitz has continuously shown himself to be an example to his co-workers, and to other Law Enforcement officers employed at the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.

On January 1, 2018, Detective Bartoskewitz was called out to an unusual residential burglary in East Montgomery County. During his investigation, Detective Bartoskewitz discovered that the suspect involved in the case had broken into the victim's residence multiple times without the victim knowing, and even when she was at home. During the investigation Detective Bartoskewitz was able to identify a suspect. As a result of the investigation and talents of Detective Bartoskewitz, the suspect was subsequently arrested, interviewed, and confessed to the crime.

Detective Bartoskewitz’s tireless efforts while investigating numerous cases have led to the capture and prosecution of multiple criminals. His exceptional performance, devotion to service, and dedication to the citizens of East Montgomery County reflects great credit upon himself, and the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.

Detective Bartoskewitz is pictured, second from the left with other recipients recognized for their achievements.

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