
SJRA Reminds Community of Water Release Protocols

By: Michelle Simpson
| Published 05/07/2019


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- With current forecasts for the next seven days predicting anywhere from four to seven inches of rainfall across southeast Texas, the San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) is implementing its standard protocols for a severe weather event, including establishing 24-hour work schedules, testing all equipment, positioning generators and fuel, and activating its reservoir operations center.

Stay Aware as Potentially Bad Weather Arrives This Week

SJRA operations staff are actively coordinating with emergency operations personnel in both Montgomery and Harris counties, including the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) and the Coastal Water Authority (CWA) who operates Lake Houston. SJRA will also have personnel stationed at the Harris County EOC should the Joint Operations Center activate.

Lake Conroe’s water level is currently at 200.9’ above mean sea level, which is about an inch below its normal full level of 201’. If the forecasts hold, SJRA personnel expect the lake to rise above 201’, which will trigger controlled releases to manage the temporary storage of inflows in the lake and reduce downstream flows.

FAQs Related to Lake Conroe Dam Operations

Q. What is the normal level of Lake Conroe? How high can the water get?
A. Normal lake level is 201’ MSL (mean sea level). SJRA has a flowage easement that allows the lake to rise up to six feet over normal pool level during extreme storm events to 207’ MSL. The top of the Lake Conroe dam is 212’ MSL.

Q. How does Lake Conroe affect downstream flooding?
A. Lake Conroe reduces downstream flooding by reducing the peak flow down the West Fork of the San Jacinto River. During a storm event, releases are kept at a significantly lower rate than the rate of inflows coming into the lake.

Q. Why didn’t SJRA pre-release water before the storm to make more room to catch the water coming into the lake?
A. Pre-releases can actually increase downstream flooding by artificially filling downstream tributaries and adding water to Lake Houston, filling its basin. SJRA’s downstream partners, including the City of Houston, CWA, and HCFCD have expressed their desire that SJRA not pre-fill the river and Lake Houston prior to a major storm event by pre-releasing from Lake Conroe.

Resources for monitoring Lake Conroe levels and weather incident information
• SJRA’s Contrail System at: for levels, releases, rainfall totals, gauges, or stream flows, see “Lake Conroe Dashboard.”
• Follow San Jacinto River Authority on line for the most up to date information @SJRA on Facebook @SJRA_1937 on Twitter
• HCFCD - Flood Warning System:
• National Weather Service - Advanced Hydrological Prediction Service:
One of the major river authorities in Texas, SJRA's mission is to develop, conserve, and protect the water resources of the San Jacinto River. Covering all or part of seven counties, the organization’s jurisdiction includes the entire San Jacinto River watershed, excluding Harris County. For additional information on SJRA visit our website at or like SJRA on Facebook @SanJacintoRiverAuthority

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