
WOODLANDS WEEKEND WEATHER – July 21 - 23, 2023 – It’s a dog-eat-dog days of summer world

By: Woodlands Online Weather
| Published 07/21/2023


THE WOODLANDS, TX – We’re halfway through the dog days of summer, the annual period of July 3 through August 11 that are universally agreed on as the hottest and most miserable. The good news – such as it is – is that we’ll be out of them in three weeks, at which point there will be a considerable slide in the temperatures. But let’s not forget that we’re also smack dab in the middle of hurricane season, so what’s happening in the next few months is anyone’s guess.

Your water and electricity bills will jockey for position of which is most expensive

For this weekend, however, we’re pretty confident in the Woodlands Online Weather offices that there will be no hard freezes or named storms ripping through the area. Instead, it’ll be hot and partly cloudy all weekend, with some occasional gusts of winds and even the occasional splattering rainfall.

For the rest of your Friday, we’ll stay just under the 100 degree mark and in the 90s until just before sunup tomorrow. Southerly winds reaching up to about 8 miles per hour will help cool the brow slightly. The AC in your house probably won’t get a break all night, but Saturday morning between 6 and 8 o’clock might give it a couple of hours off before the mercury starts to soar again. Maybe this evening you can enjoy some hot music in a cool environment as you head over to Dosey Doe - The Big Barn for the Dirty Dozen Brass Band.

On Saturday, the pressure will crater to about 29.82 inches, a low for the week (if not the rest of the month), bringing with it some wetter weather. Some clouds will form and there’s a slight chance of some rain as the winds drop to near nothing. The clouds will actually help to trap some heat in, so we’ll break the 100-degree mark (with up to ten degrees added to the heat index thanks to the humidity). If you’re going to brave the elements to catch Shania Twain at the Pavilion, then beforehand head over to E’terie Bar & Grill in the Embassy Suites for their special Sips & Sounds pre-concert event. The ‘overnight’ low (really, early morning low) will again stay around 78 degrees.

Sunday will see the remnants of the clouds and wet stuff finally wisp away to nothing, dropping our high once again back into the upper 90s. An uptick in the winds might prompt some of you to go fly a kite – literally – so be sure you’re protected by sunscreen and the proper attire. Chances are, you or someone you know will want to catch a weekend movie, so take the opportunity to head over to Market Street for some Barbie photo opportunities.

As Sunday morphs into early Monday morning, expect another week of the same, replete with heat advisories, but hopefully with each day not quite reaching 100…

Stay tuned for weather updates from Woodlands Online, and be sure to check us out on Monday for our “Week Ahead” forecast.

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