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W.G. Jones State Forest Prescribed Burn Notice

CONROE, TX -- Texas A&M Forest Service is planning to conduct prescribed burning operations on the W.G. Jones State Forest this Tuesday, January 7th, 2025.
Considered a standard forest management tool for endangered species habitat restoration, undergrowth vegetation reduction, and providing for community safety; the prescribed burning will take place as weather permits.
The area is located between I-45 and SH 242, south of FM 1488 within the state forest boundaries.
- Vegetative reduction/reduce the potential of devastating wildfire on state forest land/reduce fuel load
- Restoration of forest ecological habitat for endangered Red-cockaded woodpecker populations
- Improve access and visual landscape aesthetics for safety
- Enhance wildlife habitat by increasing sunlight to the forest floor and desirable flora species
- Inter-departmental training between state and local emergency response resources
W.G. Jones State Forest
1328 FM 1488 Road
Conroe, TX 77384
LAT 30.229547 N
LONG 95.484968 W
Texas A&M Forest Service will notify the surrounding city and fire officials, as well as area residents and groups who frequent the forest, by email and posting notification signs in adjoining right-of-ways. Agency firefighters and equipment will be stationed at the forest as a precautionary measure.
In the interest of public and firefighter safety, certain areas of the forest will be closed to the public.