
Entergy Texas prepares for potential hard freeze, winter precipitation

By: Entergy Texas
| Published 01/15/2025


THE WOODLANDS, TX -- Entergy Texas continues to actively monitor the frigid temperatures and winter precipitation expected to move through Texas early next week. While forecasts are continually changing and the exact impact to the Entergy Texas service area is hard to predict, crews are prepared to respond to whatever Mother Nature delivers.

Crews are ready to safely restore power to customers as quickly as possible

The company has taken a series of proactive pre-winter actions to prepare to serve our Southeast Texas customers during extreme temperatures, including:

  • Insulating critical power plant equipment using improved methods and materials that allow them to withstand lower temperatures.
  • Insulating or draining piping with potential for standing water during normal operation, to prevent freezing and breaks.
  • Inspecting and maintaining substations and transmission lines that are critical to Bulk Electric System reliability.
  • Inspecting and testing equipment that can be impacted by extreme cold, such as gas-filled circuit breakers.
  • Additional “ground to sky” vegetation trimming, which removes tree limbs that would normally have been above the power line.

As our teams prepare, we encourage our customers to prepare as well. Entergy’s Storm Center provides a list of safety tips, bill management assistance, and energy efficiency resources to keep Texas families safe and warm throughout the winter season.

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