
People to People 2016 Australia student travel trip information meeting on June 6

By: WOL Staff
| Published 06/02/2015


THE WOODLANDS, Texas - The People to People Student Ambassador Program announces information meeting for its 2016 "Discovering Australia" trip. Conroe Independent School District Teachers, Linda Brazil Sarant and Maegan Gusler Westra along with The Woodlands High School assistant lacrosse coach, Doug Sarant will be leading a group of 6th-8th graders (Must be going into 6th through completion of 8th grade) on a 12 day adventure to such places as the Great Barrier Reef, Australia Zoo and much more. View the full itinerary here.

P2P was launched in 1956 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. For over 50 years, People to People Ambassador Programs has served as People to People International's global educational travel provider, organizing and promoting opportunities for bridging cultural and political borders through direct interaction, unparalleled access, and unique experiences. Today, People to People Ambassador Programs travels to every continent on the globe and offers programs for students, educators, and professionals to include international educational opportunities for students in grades 5-12.

Leading up to the trip, monthly meetings are held so the delegates can get to know each other and their leaders as well as learn about Australia.

Why student travel?

"Global travel expands your mind and perspective. With P2P, students don't travel as tourists--they get immersed in local cultures and make meaningful connections. Students come home inspired, confident and more connected to the world and possibilities around them." Eleven year P2P veteran and four-time P2P Australia leader, Linda Brazil-Sarant said.

For more information, the meeting is Saturday June 6, from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the Lone Star College-Montgomery Campus library located at 3200 College Park Drive Conroe, TX 77384. If you need more information before the meeting, please contact, Linda Brazil-Sarant 281-734-7177 or, Maegan Westra at or Doug Sarant at

"The personal growth and maturity gleaned through independent travel and learning along with the awareness of the world that comes through first hand experiences and real-life culture and historical context is something that can't be taught in a classroom."... P2P veteran leader, Doug Sarant said.

Former P2P TWHS student traveler Kat Zukis said about her experience, "People To People allows students of all ages and backgrounds the chance to experience something truly unique. Not only do they learn about other countries and cultures, but they are also afforded more opportunities than normal travelers. The experience truly made an impact on me - in fact, I still keep in touch with some of the people I met in my trip!"

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