
“Fall back” this weekend: Daylight Saving Time ends Nov. 1

By: Woodlands Online Staff
| Published 10/27/2015


THE WOODLANDS, Texas - Daylight Saving Time will end Sunday, November 1, officially at 2 a.m., allowing the community an extra hour of much-needed sleep, after a fun-filled week of pumpkin festivals, Halloween events, and costume parties. “Fall back” and be sure to set clocks back one hour before going to sleep on Sunday night.

With fall in full swing and winter right around the corner, the temperatures are slowly beginning to lower, and with daylight saving time comes shorter days and longer nights.

In The United States, Daylight Saving Time has been in use since World War 1, but it was originally Benjamin Franklin who came up with the “spring forward,” “fall back” concept.

That additional hour of sleep won’t help your body adjust to the time change, as biorhythms struggle to adjust to the change, which can result in sleep disorders, mood swings, disrupt concentration. According to sleep specialists, the oscillating levels of melatonin might be slightly deficient over the next few days until the body adjusts to the difference in routine and re-establishes its biorhythm. Melatonin is the hormone whose biological effects regulate the sleep-wake cycle in human beings. An understanding of the body, and nature in general, can aid in the transition. It might also help to go to sleep an hour later on Friday and Saturday night, in order to help the body adjust to the time change.

Enjoy the beautiful fall weekend and don't forget to change the clocks! Daylight Saving Time will resume on Sunday, March 8.

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