
Montgomery County Animal Shelter director looks to the future

By: Montgomery County Precinct 4 Commissioner Jim Clark
| Published 04/15/2016


CONROE, Texas − New director Dr. Todd Hayden, who was hired to restore and revitalize operations and accountability at the Montgomery County Animal Shelter, is finding the path to progress is every bit as challenging as he anticipated.

In his first month as head of the facility, Dr. Hayden has begun making policy and staff changes to address a wide range of issues that have plagued the facility in recent years. While not everyone agrees with his decisions, the goal is to establish consistent programs and policies that will better serve the community and the animals handled at MCAS.

"Change is difficult and I certainly understand why some people are resisting it," said Dr. Hayden. "But we need to act as a team to be efficient. We can't have different groups doing things the way they please − even if they have the best of intentions."

Part of the staff reorganization plan is designed to attract and keep employees for the shelter. Dr. Hayden anticipates securing a new wage structure and better training programs that will help reduce staff turnover. Mark Wysocki, an MBA, has been hired as administration manager to help oversee nonmedical operations at the shelter.

"My goal for the shelter is to have a medical director and two full time veterinarians at the shelter to handle the load," said Dr. Hayden. "It's been a challenge to hire full time veterinarians in the past, but by establishing policies and procedures, we will be able to expand our professional staff."

For volunteers groups, his goal is to establish consistent policies and programs that are fair for all concerned. The shelter is hiring two rescue and foster coordinators to better serve organizations that help save animals.

"Individual and group volunteers and foster groups are an essential part of operations at the shelter," said Montgomery County Precinct 4 Commissioner Jim Clark who has oversight responsibility for the shelter. "We are looking at ways for involved and concerned residents to provide input on the future of the shelter. Our goal is to improve the shelter and we want to encourage groups and individuals to be actively involved."

Dr. Hayden takes over MCAS from Dr. Mike White who left the job after only nine days before returning to his role as director of the Harris County Shelter.

"There are a lot of challenges and areas of opportunity you don't fully understand until you get here," said Dr. Hayden. "But with work and cooperation, we can make the shelter a much better facility for animals as well as the community."

Among Dr. Hayden's plans is the introduction of a special program offering pet microchips to the public at reduced rates; expanded communication with the public via social media and website postings and weekly media releases on pet related topics.

"Communication is one area that we can definitely improve," said Clark. "We understand people have a strong connection to the shelter and want the best for animals in Montgomery County."

A long term goal for Dr. Hayden is to achieve a "no kill" status for MCAS, though he acknowledges that will take some time. The shelter currently handles approximately 1,500 animals per month and is often very close to its maximum capacity of approximately 500 cats and dogs.

"Some animals are sick or injured an in bad shape," he said, "but a lot of them can helped by rescue and foster groups. We need to do a better job of communicating with the public and private groups that can help − and that is why we're expanding our staff in that area."

In addition to adding staff doctors, Dr. Hayden hopes to work with area vets to provide specialized services, like free or reduced cost spay and neutering at their facilities. The goal is to expand veterinarian services throughout the county, taking some of the burden off of MCAS.

"There are a lot of good people and organizations who truly want the best for cats and dogs in need in Montgomery County," said Dr. Hayden. "To be effective, we need to work together if we are going to be successful."

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