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Women’s Center awards 23 scholarships to survivors of domestic violence

THE WOODLANDS, TX -- The Montgomery County Women’s Center (MCWC) recently awarded scholarships to some very deserving recipients during its annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony.
Twenty-three clients received scholarships to help them build a better life through education after experiencing domestic violence. The Woodlands United Methodist Church donated space for the ceremony. In addition, five English as a Second Language (ESL) scholarships were awarded.
Whether taking remedial classes to begin college, working toward a bachelor’s or master’s degree, earning a professional trade certification, or taking ESL classes to perfect their communication and marketable skills in order to provide for themselves and their children, each recipient expressed their gratitude as they walked up to the stage to be recognized.
Sarah Raleigh, MCWC President and CEO, officiated the scholarship presentations along with Nell Belanger, scholarship and education committee chair and MCWC board member.
Raleigh said, “We are in awe of the motivation and determination of these very deserving recipients, many of which will be graduating in the coming spring. We are extremely grateful for the generosity of the scholarship donors who are truly our heros, as this ceremony would not be possible without their support.”
Belanger added, “The women you have seen tonight are strong women. First, they found the strength and courage to come to the Women’s Center for help. Now they are working hard to better their own lives and in many instances the lives of their children as well. It’s not easy to take that first step.
“We salute their strength and commitment to improving their lives through education. These scholarships will help these women reach their goals, and the Women’s Center is very proud to be a part of that.”
Nearly all the scholarship recipients are working and raising children while going to school. Their career goals from their educational endeavors include accounting, biology, business administration, cosmetology, criminal justice, forensic chemistry, game design and simulation development, human development and family studies, laser technician, music therapy, nursing, pre-law, psychology, and teaching.
The 2019 scholarship donors included Kathy & John Agee in Honor of Vicki Govaars, the Alden Bridge Village Association, Inc., Nell & Ed Belanger, Combs Family Foundation, Tom Cox, Sr. in Memory of Marion Cox, Susan & Mike Crabbs, Marion & John Fischer, Jerry Hantman in Memory of Carol Hantman, Cindy & Rob Hardin, Matthew Kutchin in Memory of Adora Kutchin, The Manley Family Foundation, MCWC Board of Directors, Betty Murphy & Bruce Winslow, Becky Nahas in Memory of Timothy Mayhugh, Vicky Pafk , Sheila Patel in Honor of Jamie Laiaddee, Dosite Perkins, Ellen & Jimmy Pitcher,Ally & Mike Seder, Angie & Danny Signorelli, and Maya & Datren Williams.
Serving on the MCWC scholarship and education committee were Nell Belanger, chair, along with Susan Crabbs, Marion Fischer, Linda Manley, Phyllis Ocheltree, and Connie Shelden.
The Montgomery County Women’s Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a United Way agency whose mission is to lead the effort in preventing domestic violence and sexual assault through crisis intervention, assistance, advocacy, empowerment and social change. Services include a 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, transitional housing, advocacy, counseling, legal services and community outreach.
To change a life through a scholarship donation, please contact Deana Germany at (936) 441-4044, ext. 29 or email deanag@mcwctx.org.
For more information about the Montgomery County Women’s Center, please call (936) 441-4044 or the 24-hour crisis hotline at (936) 441-7273 or visit www.mcwctx.org.