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- Miscellaneous Items
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- Tickets to Events
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- Yard
- Yard / Garden / Workshop Items
- Yard, Garden & Workshop
2022-23 Futera Wolverhampton Club Pack
2022-23 Futera Football Club Collection Packs - Limited Edition Officially Licensed - Each Pack includes 2 premium, individually foil-numbered cards in top loaders and wrapped in the Official Club slipcover. Some Club Collections also feature Memorabilia cards and Autograph inserts. (All cards are randomly inserted with no guarantee of card types per pack.)
Configuration: 1 pack/2 cards
Each Club Collection features Squad cards, RARE parallels including ‘1-of-1s’, vintage-themed cards and 23ct gold plated framed ‘Mythicals’ cards. Limited Edition Squad cards are #'d to 30, Parallels #'d to 15, 10, 5 plus ‘1-of-1’. RARE Vintage-themed cards are #'d to 9 plus ‘1-of-1’. RARE Mythicals 23ct gold plated cards are #'d to 9 plus '1-of -1’ parallel.
LIVERPOOL - This Collection features Squad cards, rare parallels including ‘1 of 1’s, memorabilia cards, vintage-themed cards and 23ct gold plated framed ‘Mythicals' cards.
ARSENAL - This Collection features Squad cards, rare parallels including ‘1 of 1’s, player on-card signed Autograph cards, memorabilia cards, vintage-themed cards and 23ct gold plated framed ‘Mythicals' cards.
BORUSSIA MONCHENGLADBACH - This Collection features Squad cards, rare parallels including ‘1 of 1’s, player on-card signed Autograph cards, memorabilia cards, vintage-themed cards and 23ct gold plated framed ‘Mythicals' cards.
OLYMPIQUE DE MARSEILLE - This Collection features Squad cards, rare parallels including ‘1 of 1’s, player on-card signed Autograph cards, memorabilia cards, vintage-themed cards and 23ct gold plated framed ‘Mythicals' cards.
WOLVES (Wolverhampton Wanderers) - This Collection features Squad cards, rare parallels including ‘1 of 1’s, vintage-themed cards and 23ct gold plated framed ‘Mythicals' cards.
ARSENAL - 2022-23 Futera Football Club Collection Packs - Sell Sheet
BORUSSIA MONCHENGLADBACH - 2022-23 Futera Football Club Collection Packs - Sell Sheet
LIVERPOOL - 2022-23 Futera Football Club Collection Packs - Sell Sheet
OLYMPIQUE DE MARSEILLE - 2022-23 Futera Football Club Collection Packs - Sell Sheet
WOLVES (Wolverhampton Wanderers) - 2022-23 Futera Football Club Collection Packs - Sell Shee
Antiques & Collectibles >> Antiques & Collectibles Games & Toys >> Childrens Games & Toys >> Adult / Teens
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- 9362733223