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Jobs Market / Resumes
What is required in a job posting?

In a job posting, we do require all of the Employer Information be filled out fully and correctly. Also, we ask that you choose at least a phone number or email be displayed on the posting so potential employees have the ability to contact you.

Also, a job name and email are also required. The job email is where resumes will be sent.

The Skills and Description part of your job posting are crucial. This is where you have the ability to tell potential employees everything they need to know about the open position. You can inform them more about your company, the culture in your organization, the skills required for the job, whether or not training is provided, and much more.

Lastly, employers need to choose a specific job classification  and indsustry (do not check all of the boxes - this will result in the denial of your posting), as well as the job location and employment status.

If, for any reason, the above areas are not filled out properly, your posting will not be approved.

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