
Highest number in 8 years traveling July 4th weekend

By: J. Werner
| Published 07/04/2015


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Texas - An estimated 41.9 million people will travel this holiday weekend, averaging 50 miles or more, according to the American Automobile Association. AAA cites a stronger economy, rising consumer confidence, and lower gasoline prices, for the 0.7 percent increase from last year; the highest since prior to the recession in 2007.

The majority of the travelers, approximately 85 percent, will be doing so by automobile, with gasoline averaging $2.78 per gallon, 88 cents less than last year. The decrease in gasoline will help offset the increase in hotels, with mid-range hotel costs increasing anywhere from six to eight percent. Airfare is also up by six percent.

The increase in automobiles, a possibility of thunderstorms Saturday afternoon, and the probability of people driving while under the influence of alcohol, make the roads more treacherous. The Department of Public Safety increased DWI patrols for a 12-day period, from June 26 - July 7, in high-risk locations at times when alcohol-related crashes are most frequent. Read more about the DPS patrol activity for the July 4th holiday weekend at DPS Increasing DWI Patrols for July 4th Holiday (video).

#DontDrinkAndDrive #Safe4thofJuly

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