
Earth Day GreenUp Success in The Woodlands

By: The Woodlands Township
| Published 04/22/2024

The Woodlands celebrated the 14th annual Earth Day GreenUp, a community-wide litter cleanup event on Saturday, March 23, 2024. Volunteers around The Woodlands collected litter from greenbelts, roadsides, and waterways in eight villages and more than 40 unique locations to keep the Woodlands green and clean.

THE WOODLANDS, TX -- Today, on Earth Day, The Woodlands Township celebrates the success of the 14th annual Earth Day GreenUp, a community-wide litter cleanup event. Volunteers collected litter from greenbelts, roadsides and waterways in eight villages and more than 40 unique locations to keep The Woodlands green and clean.

In total, an astonishing 926 pounds of litter were gathered—a weight equivalent to two adult tigers! Among the common items retrieved were fast food containers, beverage bottles and cans, single-use plastics, cigarette butts, construction debris and clothing. These items, often scattered from parking lots, picnic areas, and truck beds, underscore the critical importance of responsible waste disposal to prevent their encroachment into natural habitats.

For those who participated in the Earth Day GreenUp and would like to share their experiences through pictures and comments, please visit

Help keep The Woodlands beautiful year-round! Organize your own cleanup with friends, family and co-workers at the Township location of your choice. The Environmental Services Department loans trash grabbers, bags, and gloves for free, and can even guide you in a litter audit. For more information or to reserve equipment, contact The Woodlands Township Environmental Services Department at or 281-210-3800.

The success of Earth Day GreenUp owes much to the generous support of Waste Management, The Woodlands GREEN and Keep Texas Beautiful. Their contributions make initiatives like these possible, inspiring us all to foster a cleaner, greener future for generations to come.

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