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Montgomery County Memorial Library System gets new truck for improved services

THE WOODLANDS, TX — The Montgomery County Memorial Library has a new truck to help us deliver items from branch to branch. The 2024 Chevrolet box truck is a much needed replacement vehicle purchased with this year’s county budget funds.
And, to remind people about our libraries and what we do as the truck rolls along throughout Montgomery County, it has been wrapped in the design of one of our new library cards. The design is a reminder to READ, IMAGINE and DISCOVER all our resources and programs at the library. The front of the truck also includes the library’s website at countylibrary.org and the back of the truck says “Follow Me to the Library.”
The vehicle replaces the 2018 truck. Mandy Faulkner, PR and Program Specialist created the design and Signarama, located in The Woodlands and Conroe, wrapped the truck.
“On a daily basis, the truck takes items requested from patrons at each branch and brings home items returned,” Rhea Young, library director, said. “With seven branches, a law library, and a consortium of more than 25 branches from Harris County and Lone Star College, more than 125 miles are put on the truck daily.”
Every day, our courier driver, Juan Esquerdo, typically loads up more than 145 tubs of library materials to be delivered to all 7 lending branches. He begins his day from the Central Library in Conroe where his truck is fueled up and ready to roll. His daily road trip includes visits to the six other branches in our large Montgomery County. After tubs are unloaded for that branch and reloaded for the other branches, he heads out for his next stop. At each branch he gathers the tubs filled with books, audiobooks, and DVDs, stacked up and waiting for him to put on his dolly to deliver along his road trip.
The MCMLS celebrates all year long through literacy and educational programs for children, teens, and adults, and by the more than 2.5 million items circulated. The MCMLS was founded and began serving local readers in 1948. Since then, it has grown to serve nearly 400,000 Library patrons and cardholders in seven branches County wide. The System also includes a Law Library and the third largest genealogical collection in a Texas Public Library. More information may be found on the Library website at countylibrary.org.
Wave hello when you see the truck and follow it to the library!