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Carlton, Hofferkamp & Jenks donates Toys for Tots

THE WOODLANDS, Texas -- On Thursday, December 6 Carlton, Hofferkamp & Jenks Wealth Management conducted their annual Toys for Tots shopping excursion, filling up baskets of toys and sporting goods from Toys R Us and Academy Sports. The CHJ elves then delivered the goodies to the Toys for Tots drop off location at The Montgomery County South Regional Library on Friday, December 7.
Managing Director Jim Carlton noted that among the charitable activities that CHJ participates in each year, making sure a child has a gift on Christmas is near and dear to their hearts. With two young boys of his own, Scott Hofferkamp- a Principle at the firm, echoed the thought that every child should feel joy on Christmas.
CHJ Wealth Management is an independent money manager based in The Woodlands, Texas and a partner of Breast Cancer Charities of America. For information go to www.chjwealthmanagement.com.