
Water line construction almost complete on Research Forest Drive

By: San Jacinto River Authority
| Published 01/07/2014


THE WOODLANDS, Texas -- Despite an extraordinary effort expended over the past three months, including 24-hour operations and extra crews, the current schedule for completion of water line construction on Research Forest Drive between Shadowbend and Grogan’s Mill has been delayed due to inclement weather impacts. The delay will be approximately two-weeks. It is currently estimated that Research Forest Drive will be reopened to traffic in mid-January.

In order to accommodate this delay in schedule and minimize any traffic impacts, the start of construction on the next water line segment along Grogan’s Mill between Research Forest and Woodlands Parkway will be delayed two weeks so that there will be no overlap in lane closures on these two major thoroughfares.

On behalf of SJRA, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to complete the installation of the water lines needed to ensure our future water supplies. For more detailed information on traffic as well as the GRP program, please visit

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