
Montgomery County Sheriff Detective still working despite dire need of transplant

By: Montgomery County Sheriff's Office
| Published 10/22/2021


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- Keith Billiris has served the citizens of Montgomery County since 2011 and is currently serving East Montgomery County as a Detective. Keith was diagnosed with both autoimmune and chronic Pancreatitis in 2019 and his condition is rapidly worsening with his other organs now being affected. Keith is in dire need of a pancreas transplant to save his life, however, the cost of the immune-suppression medication needed to be eligible for transplant is currently out of reach even with insurance. Keith needs 7 transfusions that cost approximately $113,000 each.

Despite his condition, Keith continues to report for work and perform his job diligently. Keith is a devoted family man with his loving wife, children, and grandchild by his side as well as the support of his co-workers. Please pray for Keith’s health during this difficult time.

If you are able and interested in supporting Keith’s medical battle you can donate through the options below:
Go Fund Me:
Venmo: @Keith-Billiris
Paypal: @KeithBilliris
Please keep Keith and his family in your thoughts and prayers!

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