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The Woodlands Township announces the Walk and Roll to School schedule
THE WOODLANDS, TX -- The Woodlands Township encourages students to participate in Walk and Roll to School in celebration of International Walk to School Month. The Township is working with Conroe and Tomball ISDs for this initiative which lasts through the month of October.
According to the National Center for Safe Routes to School, International Walk to School Month gives children, parents, teachers and community leaders an opportunity to be part of a global event as they celebrate the many benefits of walking. International Walk to School events promote a more walkable world — one community at a time. The schedule for this year’s participants in The Woodlands can be found in the graphic below.
Students can make their walk or bike ride more fun with one of these ideas:
- Chalk the Walk – Use sidewalk chalk to decorate the pathways with school pride, positive messages and tips for pedestrian safety.
- Rock the Walk – Paint rocks to leave along pathways. Happy messages, safety tips and school spirit are encouraged.
- Take a Nature Selfie – Take a selfie or footie (a picture of your feet) with a favorite tree, flower or other natural discovery. Use a hashtag to share online such as #yourschoolWALKS ex: #RideWALKS, #DeretchinWALKS, #PowellWALKS
- New! - Scavenger Hunt – Be Interactive as you walk. Download and play the Scavenger Hunt Game.
- Start a Litter Scavenger Hunt – Help keep our community looking clean and green by picking up litter.
- Create a neighborhood walking school bus or bicycle train – Gather as a neighborhood and walk or bike to school together, creating a fun and social way to bond.
As a reminder, drivers should be aware of pedestrians and bicyclers crossing the roadways, reduce their speed and be extremely cautious when driving through school zones.
For more information, please contact The Woodlands Township Neighborhood Services Department at 281-210-3800 or email neighbor@thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov. For more information on Walk and Roll to School, please visit www.walkbiketoschool.org or www.saferoutesinfo.org.