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The Woodlands Arts Council’s Fine Craft Show was a fine success
THE WOODLANDS, TX – The inaugural Texas Fine Craft Show, produced by The Woodlands Arts Council, welcomed hundreds of art lovers looking for functional crafts presented by dozens of fine craft artists from around the nation. The three-day event took place at The Westin at The Woodlands.
“A fine craft is something made by hand, most times utilitarian, and typically three dimensional, unlike most 2-D fine art,” Jenny Carattini-Wright, executive director of The Woodlands Arts Council, told Woodlands Online.
Carattini-Wright and her staff at TWAC were inspired to mount the ambitious project after learning that weren’t many fine craft shows in the country.
“There were only a handful. We traveled to the Smithsonian Fine Craft Show, the Palm Beach Fine Craft Show, and we searched around Texas only to find there’s no such show in our state, so we decided to give it a whirl and educate our community about what fine craft is,” she told Woodlands Online.
In total, 41 artists came from as far away as Washington State, Arizona, New Mexico, North Carolina, Georgia, California, and of course Texas. Special events included artist booth talks, live music, and a special lounge area to enjoy refreshments. The success of the show has no doubt inspired the council to already begin planning for next year’s event.