
Fall back and be amazed; Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend

By: Woodlands Online | Published 11/02/2023


THE WOODLANDS, TX – Once again, we wrack our brains for the mnemonic of Spring forward, fall back to mark the end of Daylight Saving (not ‘Savings’) Time. This weekend, at 2:00 o’clock in the morning on Sunday, DST goes away once again and we’re back on ‘normal’ time.

OnSaturday night when you go to bed, rewind the clocks on your analog and non-smart devices such as your microwaves, wall clocks, wristwatches, car dashboards, etc.) back an hour; your phones, computers, and smart TVs should do the trick for you, but you may want to double check them. Also be sure to fix the hours on your programmable thermostats that don’t automatically update with the seasons. 

Communication is key if you don’t live alone; make sure your roommates, kids, or spouses decide to reset the clocks themselves to where you’re multiple hours off of reality.

The Sunshine Protection Act, a bill that proposes that all states go on permanent Daylight Saving Time, passed in the U.S. Senate but stalled in the House, so for now we’ll be continuing the ‘change the clock cha-cha’ until government wakes up to the right time.

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