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September Lawn and Garden Tips in The Woodlands: Prepare for Fall!
Relief from the intense summer heat is just around the corner... hopefully! As we advance deeper into September, we might see a drop in temperatures. This transition brings a perfect opportunity to think about fall lawn and garden care. With St. Augustine turf gearing up for a growth spurt, it’s time to start planning for a fall feeding and a bit of lawn maintenance. Keep mowing weekly until the growing season ends!
Turf and Lawn Care
With the cooler temperatures approaching, now is the time to repair dead areas caused by chinch bugs during the summer months. Start by removing any dead grass and raking the area clean. To replace the turf, consider laying new sod or plugging the area. We highly recommend installing sod since it provides an “instant lawn” and helps prevent weeds from sprouting in the bare areas. You’ll be grateful come spring when your lawn is lush and green without any dead spots.
Also, keep an eye out for caterpillars like armyworms or sod webworms. These pests can quickly devastate a lawn by chewing on the grass blades. Use products specifically labeled for sod webworms to keep them in check.
Brown Patch Fungus
As nighttime temperatures begin to cool, St. Augustine lawns may become susceptible to a fungal disease known as Brown Patch. Low-lying areas that retain moisture are particularly at risk. If you dealt with Brown Patch last year, it's likely to return in the same areas this year. Start treating now with a preventative fungicide. For effective results, consider using Lawn Ranger Company’s GREEN LAWN SYSTEM.
Though the temperatures may cool a bit, we're not out of the hot season yet. Continue to monitor rainfall and water your lawn thoroughly when needed. Be cautious not to overwater, as excessive moisture can trigger Brown Patch. After a good rain, wait several days or up to a week before watering your lawn again, although flower beds may need watering sooner. Aim to keep the soil moist to a depth of about 6 inches.
Annual Flowering Plants
It's probably too late to plant warm-season flowers and slightly early for cool-season varieties. Hold off on planting anything new in your flower garden for a couple of weeks. If you have a bare area, mulch it for now and wait until it’s time to plant cool-season annuals.
While it's still too hot to transplant or divide most perennials, certain exceptions exist. Daylilies and Iris (including Louisiana Iris) can be divided now. If you find Salvia plants, go ahead and plant them! Salvias put on a wonderful display of flowers in the fall and early winter, sometimes lasting well into December. For the rest of your summer-blooming perennials, cut back the flower stalks and faded blooms to keep the plants looking their best.
Roses have had a long growing season, but now is not the time to slow down! Continue watering as needed and managing pests to keep your rose bushes healthy. The next two months will produce some of the finest flowers of the year, so ensure your roses are well-cared-for to enjoy a beautiful bloom.
Pests like whiteflies, lacebugs, scale, and aphids may continue to pose a threat this month. Watch for whiteflies on gardenias, lacebugs on azaleas, scale on camellias, hollies, and euonymus, and aphids on oleanders. Stay vigilant in monitoring and controlling these pests to keep your shrubs healthy and vibrant.
Get Ready for a Beautiful Fall Season!
As we wait (hopefully) for cooler weather, September is the perfect time to focus on lawn care and garden maintenance. By taking these steps now, you'll set your garden up for success and enjoy a beautiful, lush landscape well into the cooler months.
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