
Planning on Planting? Woodlands Water has 5 reasons to go native in your landscape

By: Woodlands Water | Published 11/18/2024


Woodlands Water has released some great reasons to use native plants during your landscaping:

Native plants perform better. They establish quicker and survive better through tough times like freezes and droughts. You'll end up replacing fewer plants.

Native plants require less maintenance. Save time by watering less and skipping the fertilizer and pesticides.

Wildlife depends on them. Native plants provide critical food and shelter for birds, pollinators and other wildlife. 

Native plants use less water. The modern lawn requires A LOT of water to thrive. In fact, over 50% of an average household's total water use goes outdoors. Converting even a small section of lawn to native plants makes a big difference.

They'll save you money. According to the EPA, conventional landscapes can cost 5x as much to maintain as natural landscapes over a 10-year period. Not to mention, Woodlands Water will rebate you 50% on native plants (up to $150). Just send us the receipt and we'll put a credit on your next month's bill. 

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