
Dr. Miles Mason, Montgomery County Periodontal Associates Blog

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Posted Mon, Aug 12, 2024
Periodontists work closely with the supportive structures of the mouth, such as the gums, so it likely comes as no surprise that dental implants are among the most common treatments that they can provide.
Posted Mon, Jul 29, 2024
The jawbone is the part of the face that holds many essential elements together, such as the teeth, ligaments, and muscles; however, bone grafting may sometimes be necessary if the jawbone is too weak
Posted Mon, Apr 29, 2024
Gum grafting is a dental procedure to treat gum recession, where the gum line recedes exposing more of the tooth or its root. This condition can cause sensitivity, increased decay risk, and aesthetic concerns. Gum grafting techniques restore gum...
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Dental Health

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Assessing Eligibility for Dental Implants From a Periodontist’s Perspective
Understanding Bone Grafting: How It Restores Jawbone Health and Strength
Exploring Gum Grafting Techniques

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