
The Woodlands Township to provide curbside textile recycling

By: The Woodlands Township
| Published 07/20/2017


THE WOODLANDS, Texas -- The Woodlands Township is adding to its suite of residential recycling opportunities.

Starting the week of July 31, 2017, residents will have a free and easy way to recycle used clothing, shoes, textiles and other household items, thanks to a new contract with Simple Recycling.

Simple Recycling will mail each household guidelines and custom printed orange recycling bags. Bags can be filled with clothing, shoes, bedding, towels, linens and other textiles of any quality. Also accepted are household items like toys, books and kitchenware. Unacceptable items include furniture and appliances, magazines, newspapers, car seats, cribs and mattresses.

The bags are to be placed on the curb by 7 a.m. on the same day as trash and recycling; no sign-up or ordering is required. Simple Recycling will pick up the bags and leave replacements at the door. Once collected, the items are sorted and then sold for reuse, or recycled into rags, insulation and thread.

This service is provided at no cost to the Township or its residents. In fact, it will generate revenue of $20 per ton. According to EPA estimates, the average person throws away 68 pounds of clothing per year. That equates to 3,700 tons annually for The Woodlands. Only 15 percent of textiles are donated or repurposed in some fashion. “We encourage residents to continue to donate items to their local charities. This program will help catch those items that didn’t make it to a charity and were destined for the landfill,” says The Woodlands Township Board of Directors Chairman Gordy Bunch.

For more information on the program and types of materials accepted, please visit The Woodlands Township Environmental Services Department website,, or call 281-210-3800.

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